The Moon

ronald raygun testified that space-wars had a few bugs about california
mt geene assented
that just silly

nonsense. drivel

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This was only one and the last of roughly 1825 days we spent together. He was truly angry and I felt every moment and every spoken word of his hatred for me.

Aug 12, '21

  • Now go and pray you fuck. Go and pray.
    Aug 12, '21 Your lying is beyond offensive. Your lying is beyond disgust. Your lying shows your true self. You lying fucking CUNT!

Aug 12, '21

*More crap to capture your imagination. She is a deciever and a lying cunt.

Aug 12, '21

*More crap to distract from the fact that she is a lying cunt. Do not be distracted. She is desperate.

Aug 12, '21

*meaningless drivel meant to distract. You’re still a lying cunt.

Aug 12, '21

  • I can elaborate on anything you like you lying cunt.

Aug 12, '21

*This is a good example of why Michele cannot be believed.

Aug 12, '21

*she just cannot stop the lies

Aug 12, '21

*Meanwhile this popped up on my screen. That post was edited by another user and your changes can no longer be saved

Aug 12, '21

*yes, like the rwnj liar that you are you saw your error and corrected it. I watched it happen.

Aug 12, '21

*so you’re either calling me garbage or your command of the Englsh language is sorely lacking. Which is it toots?

Aug 12, '21

  • I bet your moisture is elsewhere isn’t it dear?

Aug 12, '21

*Don’t get vaccinated Michele. we are trying to thin the herd.

Aug 12, '21

*first mistake. Particle board shite. Cannot be reassembled or moved. Absolute trash.

Aug 12, '21

*[quote=“Nickscafe, post:1057, topic:300”] They make more sense to me than a pickup truck that you can’t fit anything in. [/quote Until you get ready to move. Then, all of a sudden, everyone is your friend and wants to use your truck to move.

Aug 12, '21

*It is the world you live in.

Aug 12, '21

*Do you have a conservative beaver?

Aug 12, '21

*Do you have a conservative beaver MIchele?

Aug 12, '21

*just put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up

This is just so wasteful. I don’t care if it’s a prestine lunar surface with resource-rich craters. Why would anyone do such a stupid, pointless thing and squander time, money and resources on a study that serves no purpose.