The Environment

We’re going backward fast with this evil dumbass president. He should sleep outside the camp.

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Why? Manstruation?

Sri Lanka banned chemical fertilizers to improve the environment. Now the country is starving.

correlation vs. causation
not everybody can tell the difference
punk here is an example of that

Climate change swells odds of record India, Pakistan heatwaves

where is sri lanka?
my lack of geographic knowledge causes climate change

sri lanka passes a law that mandates driving on the left side of the road
now they are starving in excessive heat
qed ipso facto

Not the whole country. Only the ones who don’t know how to survive. Those who don’t know where to get food or how to grown their own. In this new world order, everyone is going to have to be self-sufficient. If a man becomes weak and falls it’s best to let him be. What I mean is, there’s no need in wasting energy on going out and trying to save him, lest you get trampled by all the other hungry people who will eat your flesh to survive, instead of asking, as is appropriate in society.

Are you food-self-sufficient, Michele? Could you feed yourself and your family without purchasing food? I’m not food-self-sufficient and would die if I was unable to purchase food.

There is some truth to this, although the word “weak” has evolved. In the past, weakness referred to a lack of physical strength. These days weakness generally refers to an inability to navigate tech and communicate professionally, effectively and reliably. Anyone who can do those things can survive and thrive in western societies even if they are in a wheelchair.

I was referring to weakness from a lack of food.

What’s there to communicate….The WHO is making everything clear.

I disagree. A voice doesn’t put food on the table quite like an action does.

Of course not.

I don’t know. I’ve never had to do it but I’d like to believe that I can.

That’s disturbing.

I almost can’t get over how brutal the environment is.

They want to feed us bugs while they eat meat as they jetset from country to country on environmental pollutants to address climate change. They even serve us plastic and declare it fiber.

I suppose we should, at the very least, smile and say thank you.

Another question…
Is the air, water and soil contaminated in other countries or is it only contaminated in North America?

the answer is yes but it depends what you consider contaminated, its never as fresh as it was in your garden of eden

If you drink it, eat it or breathe it and it makes you sick?

I find that interesting. We are going back there, you know. I’m just surprised you even believe in the Garden of Eden.

ah ok, i would definitely not drink any water from a nearby ditch but yes you can safely drink it out of the tap in your house here, its amazing!

no i dont know and no i dont believe in fairy tales

I can’t drink it here. If I drink the water from tap the chances I will get cancer from it is more than 30% greater.

What a shame. We could have great conversation but whatever. Be a liar in your own mind. I don’t care.

lol at least they are my own “lies” instead of fabrications created by delusional greedy white men and at least its my own mind instead of the mind of some imaginary god

dont worry, we still will talk about fairy tales, your presidential pinocchio will see to that

We all are eating plastic. It’s in the fish, meat, in the air we breath, water we drink and soil we plant the seeds in. It’s even in the blood system of every being. Guten Appetit and live long and prosperous.

I would think the air quality in Canada is better than most of the USA. Mostly due to higher pressure in the atmosphere and just generally being less crowded. New Hampshire air is very good though. Atlanta, not so much. Like everything, nothing in the USA is all or nothing. We are too diverse in everything for that.

Safe Drinking Water Act - Wikipedia

Do you think Trump will be able to get rid of the Safe Water Drinking Act? I can’t imagine he drinks water.

I looked at a house that had a well (no town water). We tested it and it had arsenic in it, which would have needed a double filtration. The arsenic actually needed to swell first and then the 2nd system would filter it.

We are lucky here that we have town water.

Are you concerned about air quality? I probably wouldn’t want to follow environmental habits of Mexico. The higher you go up in Canada, the cleaner it probably is. Not that it is inhabitable.

yes! trump can turn on the tap and create water to flow everywhere! he saved california and there will never be fires again! (lol)

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