Snow snow snow

I like your trees. I would totally climb one of those and hang a ham radio antenna in it if I had a place like that. I think that’s the only advantage of a house over an apartment. lol.

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Haha. It’s a 20’ cherry tree. Makes great pies. We have a quarter of an acre. I am trying to talk him into 5 acres (I grew up on 5 acres, with an apple orchard, green house and veggie garden). Also, my parents built a log cabin back in 1980 that I grew up in. An authentic log cabin, not the wanna-be ones now. They picked the property specifically for the trees, felled them, skinned and treated them, layted them like Lincoln logs and built a cabin in the woods.

Bad thing was. They put a basement in. No problems until the Nesqually Earthquake cracked the foundation. Took a few years, and a new curtain drain, but most of the cracks have been repaired and minimal flooding, only when it monsoon rains.

*correction: the bird feeder is hanging from a cherry tree. There’s are pines, berch, paperbark maple (I think), a rhododendron, and English Laurel hedge we share with the neighbor.

I actually just youtubed climbing trees. It looks really hard. I’m not sure I have the stones to try it but if I could get 100’ up in a tree, I would have one of the best radio setups in the province. lol.

that is not a pond
it’s a depression in your backyard where water collects
buy a bag of dirt
now i will post pictures of naked gardeners

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things grow in a pond
your picture was a picture of a puddle
just because you can doesn’t mean you ought
steve jobs thought we should all carry cameras
maybe set our videos to music
i killed him for that about ten years ago
you are a fucking whore

here is a pond
there are five of them in america
possibly six

or seven, but this isn’t really a pond

barely a pond

Sorry, I sneezed in your direction.

You’re ashamed of where you work?

Yeah, I hate that too. I just wish they would watch where they are going. I once had a wreck in a parking lot. I hit a corvette. Very expensive mistake.

No, but I had to giggle a little because you called it a pond lol. I have a pond but it’s not quite as small as that. :woozy_face:

If it’s that small it must stay in a constant state of icing over.

I’d have to kill that cat if it came on my property. I have nothing against cats and I love to watch them on my phone. I just don’t want them on my property.

You do that and you may end up feeding the squirrels in the middle of this snowstorm.

That’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen a cherry tree. I bet you bake a delicious pie.

Him? You’re probably not asking “him” at the right time.
Mount him, tease him, ask him and then please him. He will say yes before you finish. You’re welcome.

My home in Jimtown is a wanna-be log home. :weary:

People took pride in there work back then. Not like today where people make gynormous mistakes and then try to cover it up. :grimacing:

So now you have water in your basement? That’s an easy fix. Call a repair man and have them caulk it. I know a couple. One of my carpenters is so good he would come do a quick caulk job for free. Don’t watch the clock though. He’s a busy man and who knows how long you would have to wait for him.

You’ve never climbed a tree, Reg?

I agree with this. It does appear to be a puddle of frozen water.

Cute pond photos. That last one looks like a stream. I’m guessing you found that one in your own back yard.

his parents kept him away from rough boys…

All our snow is gone. I love it.

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I used to climb 100+ foot cedars. It’s easy.

Age of Grace… not ashamed in the least! I just don’t want to advertise where I work.

Why does it matter that much to you? What do you do for work?

Heckler, it’s a ‘koi pond’ with no koi hence the term ‘pond’. A man made, concrete pour, roughly a foot deep in the center, with a lovely two tiered waterfall.

The more I am looking at these videos, the more I’m thinking hiring a tree guy for a few hundred dollars is the way to go.

In 1947, the State of Maine suffered its largest forest fire disaster in modern history. The state experienced over 90 consecutive days of record breaking high temperatures and drought. By mid-October, many small wildfires started and spread out of control. Statewide, these fires burned over 220,000 acres, burned 1000 homes, left 2,500 people homeless and 16 people dead.
i came back
so can tom brady

Sometime in the mid to late 2000s I think it was, we went 300 days without seeing the sun.

Seasonal depression is a legitimate diagnosis here, although I don’t think I have ever been as effective as others seem to have had it. It is not the same as being vitamin deficient.

so it’s a Body of Water
too shallow
and too cold
for koi to live in
hence the term puddle
The Amur carp is a hardy fish, and koi retain that durability. Koi are coldwater fish, but benefit from being kept in the 15–25 °C (59–77 °F) range, and do not react well to long, cold, winter temperatures; their immune systems are very weak below 10 °C. Koi ponds usually have a metre or more of depth in areas of the world that become warm during the summer, whereas in areas that have harsher winters, ponds generally have a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft). Specific pond construction has been evolved by koi keepers intent on raising show-quality koi.

that looks to me like someone with down’s syndrome

now i’m sure

Are you serious? You’re very stupid. Reply, Dick.