Silkies insane rants

Did you deserve it when it was your turn?

Apparently so.

Where is that boy anyway. It’s been peaceful this morning.

Probably hiding from you.


Redemption and cleansing is the goal here. Everyone knows others behavior triggers so let’s avoid presenting things in a way that it does trigger a negative prepatterned behavior.
Sound good right?

Let’s undo some harmful programming.

We all have goals. Also what’s none of your business is none of your business.

You are just DOS when you let things go on the back burner of your psyche.

Just like a machine that is programmed to function indiscriminately. That computer like function of the mind comes at the cost of a small lobotomy. You know how it hurt and can’t seem to be accessed and how you try line after line to do so.

I can show you how to List what’s there, Break at the right time, and delete, edit, or replace.

It could have been done with a fast food hamburger.

Some thing is developing with you dude you really need to prioritize.
Stop playing chess and buy the munchkin board game.
That and start collecting and reading lots of Elfquest.

I won’t steer you wrong.

Wow you started out so good but then you went off the rails. Turn up the current to you silicon controlled rectum friers and try again.

I’m barely playing chess.

Look I know how bad you feel sometimes about racists and racism. It seems there is no way to prove that people of the same race as yourself can be racist towards you. Sometimes you feel can even be made to feel that you don’t belong to the same race as others who claim it is also their race. It can be a vacuum that sucks in so much of you that you don’t even seem to have a race because you don’t even meet the requirements of a sentient being. When you you can’t even identify as yours what’s best of you others seem to have attributed to themselves. You feel lost and across realms of fantasy because there is no definition of race in this world that allows you anything but a suffocating existence.

You can beat racism. You can beat cancer. You can beat all the negativity and positivity of racists who have absolutely no regard for what defines you as an individual. It doesn’t mean you can’t be Christian, but it does mean you ca n be holy and set apart. Look up the definition of the word.

It is not in this life but the next. You do exist. What you need to do is edify yourself in heaven as on earth. If you need to withdraw from race here for reasons of self preservation you can do so more easy and when you choose to reintegrate you can be more defining and unique.

Just buy it.

If you need somebody to play I’ll buy the same set and learn.

Look at yourself in the mirror knowing what races/ethnicities you are told you are and ask Yourself Elf? Questo?

I’m not saying any one race is better than another. What I am saying to you is that there does exist a race that can be made better for you and a race that is better for you. It doesn’t mean it invalidates you from the race(s) you are now.

That’s funny because it reads something like that.

You seem more like silky and silky seems suggestive of a clothing item like a tie possible or a scarf.
We could change rants to ink blots or some type of stains as Reg suggested. How do you express your own frustration?

Are you saying Michelle is a frustrated woman?