
sure, greece applied in '75 and was allowed to join in '81
right now albania, north macedonia, montenegro, serbia and turkey are all waiting to join… and now ukraine as well

Get the kids and bring a sweater
Dry is good and wind is better
Count the years, you always knew it
Strike a match, go on and do it

I wonder how Europeans would feel about fast-tracked Ukrainian membership if they realized what the heroic Ukrainians think about dark people, other races, homosexuals and trans rights.

its all a political game… in order to join the eu a country must first meet the ‘copenhagen criteria’ which basically consist of a free market economy, a stable democracy and rule of law and acceptance of all eu legislation (including anti-discrimination law)

i dont see any way of them getting a membership until this war is over for at least several months up to a year or more and by then they have most likely changed their mind again

I get all that. I’m just a bit nauseated by Gunda’s outpouring of drama about the heroic and saintly Ukrainians and wanted to be a prick. I’m correct, though. The Ukrainians are generally racist, xenophobic and homophobic, but it’s unkind of me to note that when they’re having their asses kicked unfairly by another bunch of racist, xenophobic homophobes.

ah yes… its not easy to remain objective when you see innocents suffering

the western media is doing a very good job showing what they want people to see (probably quite similar to what the russian media is doing)

I am also not objective. I am really enjoying watching some rich Russian oligarchs suffer. Not to be vindictive or anything but I wish them poverty and death.

am sure millions of people would like to suffer like him right now… poor guy and his 10 billion pounds…

You are quite right that his suffering is inadequate, but I will take it.

To Nico’s point.

when we invaded Iraq, we had a cameraman from NBC riding behind the Marine firing five grenades a second at his obstacle on the road to the capitol

all i see from Ukraine is a couple of guys with RPGs and still photos of trucks

america knows how to throw a War!


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This is so good.

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I doubt he read it, but Trudeau seems to agree with what I wrote above.

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It looks like the ruble is worth less than 1 US cent, or less than 0.01 USD for the non Americans.

Weak! Like Zimbabwe in the 80s. Vlad destroyed his country.

Do you think China will have more success invading Taiwan compared to Russia right now? I do. I would think it would be more difficult to sanction China. We probably owe them a shitload of money.

I wonder if you can get gasoline in russia right now. I guess there is no point in working or doing anything really.

The ruble was only worth about 1.3 US cents last year.