Right wing nutjobs

I support the deportations from America happening right now. Canada needs to ramp up deportations.

argh am surrounded by naziā€™s and trump supporters!

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No. ADF bad and Elon bad. Hitler had sex with his half niece who suicided. He invaded neutral countries like Holland and Belgium. His govt killed 6,000,000 Jews just for being Jews. They also targeted socialists and Gypsies and JWā€™s. Hitler and his wife killed themselves.

Our situation is different. We donā€™t have ā€œillegalsā€ so much as we have people gaming our immigration system.

They come here under student visas which allow them to work up to 40 hours a week, and so they do. They go to fake schools that have been accredited because weā€™re stupid and gave them accreditation. These fake students have no intention of learning, but thatā€™s not a requirement. The only requirement is that they go to school, and they do.

Then, after they get permanent residency and citizenship, they use our stupid family reunification program to bring in all their relatives.

Our immigration problem is 100% of our own making. Very few cross the Canadian border illegally, and almost all of the ones who do come from the US.

Thanks to Nicos post, I looked up what good deeds Hitler did.I didnā€˜t know he was the first European who banned human zoos. Belgium was the last in 1958. Never heard about that in history lessons or in any Hitler documentation.

He also invented laws to reduce smoking. Made paid vacation mandatory. Also this was unheard by me till today.

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I approve of all the welfare rate increases and minimum wage increases and increases to legal aid by the NDP in BC and I like they set up a rent bank. I support the right to unionize Hitler hated unions. I voted BC Conservatives last election here and will be voting Conservative again federally next election. Voted for socialist Ed Broadbent in 1988 and John Horgan the socialist a few years back in BC.

Trudeau the stoner crook released a 7 minute video on immigration problems. He blamed bad actors and fake schools. But the incompetent did not name them and he will not prosecute them.

Poor Nico is in shock now. Where does my little German brother hide, lol? :wink:

Well, I go my final walk with my dog now anyway.

We canā€™t prosecute them. We approved and accredited them. Itā€™s our own fault. If you want a list, you can find one here.

F you are one stupid and malignant person. He built a complex of prisons and concentration camps and death camps and labour camps. His Luftwaffe bombed towns in Spain a country no threat to Germany. They later launched without a declaration of war such attacks on Poland. He passed laws making it illegal to have sex with Jews and he confiscated personal firearms. Hitler in his best selling book stated he hated Slavs and democracy and Jews and socialists.

lol am doing the same as you my dutch sister

well not exactly the same, iam not defending elon or hitlerā€¦

I neither defend Elon nor Hitler. I just refuse to paint either of them as black and white as you and the woke media does. Hitler was scum, so were many other people in power. I tell honestly what I see. And if you watch Hitler salutes in documentaries, then this isnā€™t any of it. Maybe he wanted to do one but havenā€™t had the courage to go full for that it ended up that awkwardly. Only when he says it, then the world will know. Alone from that video no one can say it for sure what his intention was.

not sure why you are seeing things like that since yes the media and reactions on the net are quite divided but how many leaders of states or ceos of large companies have actually stated that elon gave a nazi salute and/or condemned him? lol even netanyahu defended him

personally i have always said that i see all humans as equal and elon may not act very humane but he is human
black and white? lol sure i will give my opinon that he is not a black man but a delusional extremist white man, but that doesnt take away he is human just like hitler

yes nobody (maybe not even elon himself since he appeared to be all drugged up) can say for sure what his intention was even with his history of being southafrican and supportive of extreme rightwinged parties, but thats not important, because as the supposedly brilliant richest man in the world he has a responsibility; he is advised what to wear, how to act and what to say at such important events, him choosing to ignore that advice doesnt take away his responsibility since anyone sane would know a gesture like that would cause commotion and rightly so (and that may be exactly what he wanted)

I agree he is an idiot. And yes, itā€˜s the easiest way to say he did a Nazi salute and get applauded for joining the woke choir. I am not a brave person and I am dependent on many people to be able to earn my own money, pay my little apartment and to take care well of my pets. So, if any of that is under threat by the silly woke system, I cave in and shut my mouth. Till then I will say what I see and think.

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lol you mean till then you wont say what you see and think?
no need to be scared here, you will still be the most popular german at bbad no matter if you give nazi salutes (mostly because you are the only german here)

Better be woke Gunda. We all hurt from Reggieā€™s stupid coma. Itā€™s more than a coma he is forcing
on us ā€¦it is a coma cacca to destroy our minds and corrupt our souls. Tu coma cacca Reggie. Stay in your coma of lust and impotence.

Just another impotent fool for the gladius. He wonā€™t even notice what has happened to him.

The guy gives a speech to a neo nazi rally of the ADF by video the day after a classic Mussolini fascist salute at another rally. The guy is an evil special K drug using war monger Hope someone keeps tracking his personal plane. The guy is a buy and switch fraudster.

Reg has a wife and you are some poor obese liar.

Trying to get me to spill some nanotech by the trillions? What do you use for currency? And yeah mine are in my stomach.