Right wing nutjobs

Canadian dollars.

Any nazi saluters should lose their job. Tina aka Claire Macpherson at Hope Public Library does the nazi salute and teaches it to children calling it the Hitler salute. The library board knows this and the Mayor who knows her personally and the Hope Standard newspaper. All refuse to comment by email or verbally.

Amen, Sister!

large protests against the fascist afd party continue all over germany :wink:
proud of you germany!

Diehard MAGA rep introduces bill to carve Trump’s face on Mount Rushmore | The Independent https://search.app/QARQDTAHVe5BQ9Wd8


If we had 4 on a new mountain, I would go with


From the 20th century.

It is surprising to me that Lincoln is on the right instead of Teddy Roosevelt. You would think it would go in order of left to right. I don’t think it goes by rank. I don’t think any historians put Jefferson ahead of Lincoln.

No to the ADF no to Musk who praises them and does fascist salutes. In Canada some time back the Tory party leader forbid his MP’s from meeting with ADF people. He is riding high in the polls here in Canada 17 points ahead in one poll and 21 points ahead in another poll.

Yes saw that just say no and let’s tear down Stone Mountain!

Trump should get his own mountain with Musk and Patel to his left and right sides. Perhaps even a second mountain for VP, Vance and cabinet members, Hedseth and Noem.

lmao dont forget zuckerberg, bezos, pichai and all the other rich criminals that support trump

I wouldn’t have a problem with carving their faces into the base of the mountain. We could build a large fountain there and people could come, throw their quarters in and make a wish upon Trumps pets.

Uhhh no not at all.

Hey, this is my fantasy. I choose to see Trump on a mountain the same way you choose to see Trump dead. Your objection is nothing so I disregard it as nonsense, unless you care to post your reasoning?

Can’t we compromise here? How about we see Trump dead on a mountain?

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Good post. The ADF needs to be watched closely. Musk should be ashamed to be touting this assclown group.

Gunda why do you cling so desperately to the other euro here and vice versa in this argument? Why don’t you even argue towards a solution or resolution?

You both have lost so much face and not just figuratively, I mean actually physically. Beyond ridiculous. You can/t be missing so much face and expect to be alive. These fill ins of your and trying to puppet your mouth to somebody else’s that functions during eating or speaking cannot continue.
Why can’t you trust?

if you trust a fascist, you end up with a lunatic like trump ruling your country…