Right wing nutjobs

You do realize that three terms would violate your constitution?

22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Section 1: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice

Not to be vindictive or anything, but I pray that he dies in agony, gasping for breath, begging for help that never comes, and then gets cast into Hell forever. Amen.

That was an amazingly good video. Trump thinks tariffs are going to hurt others. They will only drive prices up in the USA. Nothing more.

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We are not equipped to manufacture very well. Changing the infrastructure could take 20 years. Tariffs would probably work at that point. At that point, we’d be an exporter if we could mass produce shit.

Many experts say tariffs helped make the Great Depression worse the Taft Woolley Act.

Yeah, we’re going to have to amend that.

Seriously. Is it even possible to be more vindictive than this.

It was a dumb video meant to belittle Trump supporters. I don’t know what the complaint is. Anything that hurts conservative Americans is usually a win, win for globalists.

Trump supporters belittle themselves every time they claim the other guys pay tariffs.

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I agree to everything Weidel and Musk said in this video.

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naturally, remigration eh?
did you also agree with elon’s nazi salutes and your party sending fake deportation tickets to immigrants?

Why is remigration of illegals and convicted criminals wrong?

Show me any Nazi who did such a salute like Musk did. He is an egotistical narcissist, maybe he was drugged as well at that time, but with or without drug, that wasn’t a Nazi salute as known by any Nazi I have seen yet in a documentation about the Nazi time under Hitler. Also not after 1945 till today.

who says it is? iam just recognising the buzzword for what it is… a popular term used by extreme rightwinged people to get votes from the gullible

fair point, but iam not surprised you dont recognise it since you also dont recognise this one:

am still curious to read your answer to the 2nd part of my question about the fake deportation tickets

Do you support the re-migration of illegals and convicted criminals, Nico?

Too bad he did not mention the many famous German Jews for 30 seconds. Saurkraut is great. I drive a Mercedes and own a Mercedes hat and water bottle. I like the 99 Luft Balloons song. The music of the Scorpions and that Du Hast song. Hey Elon you fascist and ketamine addict dare you to say the White Rose Society were fine Germans in a public speech. Auschwitz on Monday will be a gathering to celebrate the liberation of that German built and run concentration camp of torture and murder and whippings. 80 years ago the camp was liberated by Russian forces. The Canadian PM will be there for the event. CIJA website has a list of events in Canada to mark the liberation I plan to attend one either in Richmond or Vancouver. Glad Germany lost WW1 and glad they surrendered unconditionally in WW2.

Despite you can‘t show any Nazi salute as expected but behave like a spoilt child caught lying, I will reply to that flight ticket.

If you believe it or not, I didn‘t even check it if it was true or false when it made the news here in Germany, cause I approve it. :+1:

Igitt@Scorpions. The worst German band right after Rammstein.

sure, but it depends what you call an illegal or what the crime is of the criminal, i dont think generalising or mass deportation is a valid response

The fascist salute by the druggie Elon is easily found with a Google search. The ADF party has elected members who say Hitler was good. I applaud the counter demonstrators who protested the gathering of 4,500 fascist nazi white scum.

i already showed you several nazi salutes, silly; you just dont recognise them as such and glad to hear you condone such practises, at least it validates that you voted for the right party

Of course it depends. Btw., on the flight ticket stands it‘s only for illegals. They should have addressed also the criminals. Now I am even disappointed by the AfD. Ts, ts, ts.

I have the first album from 1974 love it. Animal Magnetism and Blackout and World Wide Live. Saw them in high school and at Monsters Of Rock in Seattle.

Beethoven is also good.

VW’s can be neat. Germany the birthplace of Communism and Fascism and the main protagonist of the only 2 world wars in history and the inventors of meth. ADF bad and evil Elon bad and evil and he should be deported.

Please link one of such a salute. Oh even I say that Hitler wasn‘t only bad but also made some good things like for example did he improve the animal protection law. Nevertheless link me such names of elected AfD members who allegedly claim that Hitler was (only or overall good) and didn‘t get kicked out from the party.