
No, I was waiting for you to read them to me but never-mind. I can see how focused you are on his opinion but I was focused on his expert judgment of world events. Your point raises a second con but no pros so it’s unlikely he will run with Trump.

Tim Scott dropped out. I guess he forgot to tell his staff before making it public. And his donors were not happy. Lol. Serves them right. He seemed to be the dumbest candidate. Not quite a Herschel walker level of stupidity, but pretty dumb. Pretty much down to four there.

Republicans are so totally owned by Israel. God, Republicans suck.

Such a blessing for America. :woman_shrugging: Lucky, I guess.

Looks like it will get vetoed, thankfully.

This is a clear ethics violation. I guess he either thinks or knows nothing will happen.

God Republicans are trash. Human garbage.

Do you think this senator thinks Singapore is in :cn:?

I wonder if this Tom Cotton guy recognizes what total moronic asses he makes the US look like with this kind of idiotic questioning. Like sister-humping buffoonery. I know it’s Republicans. I know it’s not all Americans. I just think of the shame this kind of thing brings to Americans and I think it would be best to put all Republicans on an island (not a nice island, but something nasty looking like Padre Island off Texas) and let them play the Lord of the Flies, that being their idea of a national health care plan, anyway.


What buffoonery and a moronic ass thing to say when it has been well documented that Eric Swalwell has been uhhh…sister-humping a Chinese spy.