
click click click
attention span:one minute
books are obsolete
nobody will die from covid
george bush dropped the wtc in a false flag op
any else, reggie?
you punk

Iā€™m starting to realize that Trump is going to get away with all his crimes. It is a bitter pill but Iā€™m swallowing it. Hopefully he will die soon. At least thereā€™s no escaping that.

I donā€™t know about that, but she may.

Wrong topic.

Wrong title. Should have been ā€œ Political Moronsā€

Iā€™m not big on BLM but I do have to wonder what wouldā€™ve happened to him if he was black.

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zat cuz u brown?

Or is that because you landed a Thirld-World whore ā€¦

It seems the latest Republican poster boy is another fake. Linking to archive to bypass paywall.

Geez, that was a long article.

The interesting thing about this article was not that he lied about where he attended college or where he worked, that he didnā€™t really have a non-profit, where his home was at or that he has a criminal record in another country. In America, all those goals can be accomplished with ease. The insane part, he holds office in American government.

This surprised me. I thought they were dying out. They might not be.

The shame of it is, ā€œmoderate Republicanā€ is an oxymoron phrase. Theyā€™re simply traditional liberalists.

The Santos clown is even making news here in Canada. Stealing from a homeless veteran who wanted to get cancer surgery for his dog. Someone shoot that guy.