
Makes sense.

Ezekiel 23:20 She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses.

Really? Make it make sense, Reg. What is the Scripture saying?

It’s saying she lusted after men with huge cocks, who spewed like horses, Michele. Try to keep up.


Try to make sense. You’re turning a Scripture into trashy donut shop gossip. I mean, really, is that it? Who are you talking about? Does she have a name? Is she married? Does she have siblings? Can you give any other details about this story?

Pat Robertson died yesterday. He was 93. He was an awful human that did harm to the country as well as gave horrible advice to people. I do wonder if he was dumb enough to spew what came out of his mouth. I don’t think he believed it, which made him an even worse person.

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I do wonder if you realize how dumb your post reads.

I think he believed his own crap. I agree, he was a horrible person.

He certainly had some interesting ideas. He thought demons could attach themselves to clothing.

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And you’re here to dispute that fact?

He recommends rebuking any lurking demons in the thrift store as you make your purchases.

Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes. But I don’t think every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it. In a sense your mother is just being super cautious, so hey – it isn’t gonna hurt you any to rebuke any spirits that might attach themselves to those clothes.

I agree with this 100%. It would amuse me to see people rebuking demons in thrift stores.

Remember when he said the US should kill Hugo Chavez?


I don’t believe in demons, but I suppose if I did, they might as well hang out at thrift shops.

Even if you don’t believe in demons, don’t you think it would be cool if you went to a thrift shop and some Christian was going up and down the aisles rebuking demons? I would totally go to thrift shops more often if that started happening.

This is true. It would definitely make them more interesting.

I went to a ham radio event at a Mormon church today. The event was pretty average and nothing really happened. The church was fascinating. It was huge, immaculate, and beautiful. The Mormons were very well dressed, extremely friendly and were in excellent health. They obviously took care of themselves. None of them were fat. I loved them. I’m not going to convert to their religion, but it was one of the more interesting experiences of my life.

I agree. Beautiful structure. It would make a great POM.

Knowing the Mormons, they weren’t asking you to convert but if you keep going you might take better care of yourself. Did you happen to notice the male to female ratio?

This was a once-a-year ham radio event. No real chance of my regular attendance given that. The male/female ratio looked normal to me. More women than usual for a ham radio event, perhaps.

Yeah, yeah! Excuses. It’s always something like that lol. If you were going to go to a church, it is a pretty one. I would have loved seeing a picture of the inside.

One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day.
2 Peter 3: 8