I think she meant a political party. I have one, actually. I vote for the Liberal Party of Canada. That’s the Justin Trudeau party. He’s not my cup of tea personally, and he marches in a lot of sodomy parades, and I don’t like his oil pipeline, but whatever. He’s the best choice we have.

The Liberals are our middle-of-the-road party, but in the US they would be seen as hardcore socialists. Socialist isn’t a bad word in Canada. We like universal health care and we think it’s good to give people food and a home if they are unable to provide it for themselves. We also don’t care at all about anyone’s right to own an AK-47 and we will throw people’s asses in jail if they pollute.

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do you live in canada now?
america has been socialist since the first federally funded canal was dug back when i or my great greats grands were young
people don’t know what it means
not that every canadian isn’t a communist asshole

because i thought you were in south america
with a senorita that kept you in tequila
while you sat indolent in the sunshine
surrounded by local children you plied with gringo dollars to fan you with palm fronds

I still have my place in Canada. It has sat empty since the beginning of the year. I have cameras there so I know it’s fine but I haven’t seen it for close to a year.

I’m writing this from Medellín. I made a little photo album of where I am here. It looks like a photo but if you click it, it’ll take you to the album/writeup.

Every government is socialist. The purpose of government is to take your money against your will and spend it on things for the greater good. While I acknowledge that tin pot dictators (like Trump) often think spending it on ostentatious luxuries for themselves is for the greater good, in Canada we generally spend it on medical care and social housing and the like.

i’m gonna get my girlfriend to take a picture of my backyard
email it to herself
save it to my desktop
send it to you via bbad
i am so not going to do that
believe me when i tell you that it’s beautiful

I believe you. Maine sounds really nice. They also always struck me as good people up there.

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Nice little hut you have there Reg.


No, that was a lie. That wall is much bigger than we anticipated and China is going to pay for it.

That’s a lie too. It’s greater than the world has ever seen.

We’ve turned a corner on this Chinese thingie.
What a liar Trump is. He does nothing right.

You would think with his first grade education you wouldn’t have to explain that to him.

Privatize it or make it universal. Either way the cost makes me sick.

Not in America. We’re cruel fuckers and we don’t give two shits if you starve. Our aid is doled out to corrupt two-faced politicians who march in sodomy parades.

Pathetic weenie!!!

If you even create stress in our little country, we will break out our AK-47 and shoot your ass because we don’t care if you die and go to Hell. We prayed for your stupid ass in advance.

He’s in some dirty little country down south right now.

Sounds creepy. Regale is with your best memory of the event.

Probably too stupid to figure it out.

…and every American, a dick. An excellent and well executed point.

i remember in tulsa we went out on a work night to watch the bullet holes in the stop signs rust.
evidently that activity suffered a lockdown.
so we suffer the above

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I remember. I still have one bullet left.

You suffer below as well.

This is truly a level of delusion I’m not sure I’ve encountered before. Totally, utterly and absolutely disconnected from reality.

The cost? Canada pays less than half per capita for health care than the US does. We do this by paying our doctors an amount that doesn’t allow them to drive Ferraris. They have to settle for driving Mercedes. We’re ok with this.

True. At least for your Republicans.

Just saw this and thought of you, Michele.

MIchele has totally lost her mind. She even talks like her fat orange hero now.

All joking aside, they did raise significant questions. I don’t expect any answer though. China has never been truthful to us or anyone else. The media isn’t truthful with us and intelligence community is not sharing anything at all. I just know if Biden wins he will explain it all.

I don’t need to wait for Biden, Michele. Trump tried to bolster the US economy by cutting taxes for the rich. The rich took that money, bought yachts from Italy, cars from Germany, stashed money in Switzerland, and shipped jobs to China.

Despite the fantasy you portrayed, the US economy is in the toilet. Don’t feel bad. Most of the world is in the toilet with you. It is a total disaster. Right now, we need higher taxes on the rich, heavy regulation of the financial sector to protect the middle class from losing their homes, and a serious infusion of cash from government (which, yes, means more debt which I despise but this is an emergency).

You’ll never break through her wall of ignorance, Or any other trumper.

I know you’re right. I can ignore @Tychicus but I always seem to go back to banging my head against the wall with Michele.

I really don’t beleive she’s stupid except when it comes to trump.

You’re being generous. She believes that a cabal of satan worshipping cannibal pedophiles led by Bill Gates are secretly controlling the world and that Trump is waging a hidden war against them. Choose whatever label you like for that.

Stupid crazy