
The officer never even touched him. He kept his distance and showed no emotion. Imo, he shouldn’t miss even one day of work but he should be given a medal for facing the unknown without showing any fear at all.

Reg, I know this is going to make you feel uncomfortable and it’s exercise might confirm that truth but if you can, put yourself in the officers position. I realize he may be a white man and the very thought probably nauseates you but you are the one who stated he expressed a feeling of being threatened. Why do you think he felt threatened? Do you think it’s possible his alert level was high because he had encountered this kind experienced in the past with a negative outcome? Do you think he might have been thinking the longer he stays in this environment, the greater his risk of dying? What do you think was going on in the officers mind? Perhaps he just had a slow morning and was bored. Perhaps he just needed a play toy.
I don’t think anyone really knows what he truly thought so I can’t help but think it’s incredibly premature to judge his thoughts if you aren’t capable of putting yourself in the officers place the same way you so readily put yourself in the college students place.

I do not care. He had a gun. The other guy was picking up garbage. He had no credible reason to feel threatened. His reaction was no different from the woman in Central Park who said she felt threatened by the black man who told her to leash her dog. She had no credible reason to feel threatened, either. We have created a world where, for decades, women and cops could say “I feel threatened” without any credible reason and trample on the rights of others. That is finally changing, and that is a change for the better.

I do not care at all. Whatever negative experiences he had, he has no right to trample on someone else’s rights because of them.

First, I do not care if he thought that. Second, if he thought that in a situation where he had a gun and the other guy was picking up garbage, he is stupid and cowardly and has no business being a cop. Third, if he thought that, he was totally free to leave at any time.

I do not care at all.

I am not judging his thoughts. I don’t care at all about his thoughts. I am judging his actions, harassing a man who had broken no laws, who was picking up garbage on his own property (or property he had rights to as the case may be), and who had given the cop no credible reason to harass him.

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Prepare to be spiritually crucified for that empty but most positively contradictory remark.

Take care, Reg. :tulip:

I don’t care what his thoughts were either.

Why give him a pass? If this guy is getting sympathy it is no wonder police training is a joke. He was a cop for 14 years. Pathetic people skills shown here. Training needs to improve instead of just giving people like this guy a pass. I’m glad he quit patrol.

Police officer and factory worker are 2 areas this country could really improve in. In slightly different ways. They are both important however.

Time to give cat meds and mow the lawn. I have zoom cards against humanity and another big hike tomorrow so not sure when I’ll be on…

They are making exoskeletons for both professions.
Have you seen Disney’s stunt bots by the way?

Do you carry a snakebite kit?

I do not.

Sometimes people are racist just to be true to others racists. But if one racist can’t get to you directly another surely will for them.

Like I said when people are lazy about themselves and didn’t love or care for themselves they use racist attacks to try and force people to do something to make them feel better or even get free health.

I don’t like racism. It would be nice if some racists really found out what they are racist about or just what the actual person they tried to invalidate really is. It is a gamble, and some people are addicted to gambling and pushing their luck.

Yeah but that is typical of what I get as well and dismiss as right to personal opinion and feelings.

I remember I read eracism somewhere but it was a movement or something different form the meaning I thought it was.

When racists need to move and can’t get their bodies going this is a tactic I have seen them use.


The woman also seems very upset because she was forced to use the word black to refer to an item of clothing.

When are you supposed to wear black…at night or funerals?


But I think it was good for both parties and what was needed by each.

One the statements could have been benevolent if it was setting somebody free from trafficking. The other was a bully up on how to make a guy commit to you, good old fashioned way.

Be sympathetic towards people in regards to their mental and physical problems and make a better assessment and find value before they go bad and rotting, one zombie can spoil the whole bunch.

With that said I might try to add another definition to eracism and just erase the racism away here.

A good time to tuck tail and turn and run. As when racist abuse gets to its peak as with its tolerance to it the danger is becoming the same race.