lol. You really are not clever, Nico. That is a perfect example of survival of the fittest. Those diabetics who adapt and change their lifestyle are fittest, and they survive. Those who do not die. No, your attempt to repeal Darwin’s law will always fail.
weird, i think its a perfect example of how others helped the less fortunate / weak to survive
edit: and then the weak/less fortunate think they are suddenly part of the “master race” and forget all about the help they got in the past and how we are all humans after all that choose to depend on or leech on eachother…
Why are you like that and do you think you can change for the sake of humanity?
i know we look alike since we both are weak dutch babyfaced people lol but iam the dutch brother that believes all people are equal, my brother reg is the one that thinks he is better than most other people
With no word I said I want or intend to repeal Darwin’s law. But the bird and hedgehog population for example decreased mainly because of the decline of insects due to the environment changes done by humans, for example monoculture.
Oh…well you’re not going to change him.
lol of course not; others cannot really change a person; only reg can change himself like he already did quite a lot since his solitary outcast era
Very true.
I doubt I will change on some of the points we differ on, but time will tell. As you noted, I have changed very dramatically over the last 30 years.
yes lol cant ask for miracles!
but i dont think its very likely time will tell you since soon you will be too old and forgetful to notice let alone remember anything
How have you changed? You believe everything you’ve always believed, don’t you?
Your view on abortion hasn’t changed
Your view on homosexuality hasn’t changed
Your view on religion hasn’t changed.
My view on all those things have changed. I’m at work and don’t want to go into much detail as I’ve already spent too much of the workday on BBAD, but I may write more about it later if I remember, which isn’t likely at my age. lol.
this is a free community-remembering message for the elderly
Nice topic. I think I haven‘t changed regarding what I view important in life (children and family) as well as my core personality. I would still give the same answer to my teacher when asked about my personal goals. I became less optimistic about mankind’s ability to respect each other as equals and for making this world a better place, though.
interesting, i wonder if your teacher would think you would vote for the afd
or even better: if that young gunda would think she would do that
I really just can shake my head, as I wrote it I guess a hundred times already on this board, that I only voted for the SPD till the left turned crazy too. Then finally the AfD thankfully was founded. A needed corrective just like the Greens were a needed corrective when founded for womens rights and the environment.
Oh, I doubt Peter would disagree with my reasons.
edit: argh you tricked me to post cuntry lol
edit2: but it also brought me to this nice clip, thanks
I guess German Sheperds aren‘t very fond of water, lol.
I want such a garden. This would be great for our Romanian shelter.
lol yes you could tell some really dont like swimming but even those 2 white dogs went in… seems like a great way for them to socialise and have fun
lol yes this would be great anywhere for all dogs and also for humans