Pit Bulls

No, as little as I think of her and her noises, I do not accuse her of that mental illness.

Schneiderin Schnell is still fun.

Sniden: to cut.

She should have done a kindness and killed the pit.

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It looks like we’ll be getting a dog cafe soon.

RFK jr is having a bad week. Looks like he ate barbecue dog. Also a sexual assault claim against him. I wonder if he wishes he never ran.

I wish he never ran.

I find it gross that he ate a dog, unless it’s a pit bull in which case I approve.

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definitely a well trained doggie :wink:

wow this guy sure likes to cook for his dogs and make clips… loooooooooooots of them :

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guess its an effective way lol

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The owner is dead and so is the dog. A good news story!

interesting, i think those that can feel good about the loss of any life are usually not “feel good”- but “feel god”-people; deluded individuals that believe in an almighty creature or those that believe they are an almighty being themselves…

some therapy might help :wink:

Then you are a pacifist weenie. I am happy Hitler is dead. I would be happy if Kim Jong Un died. If you wouldn’t, fine, but I’m not interested in whatever psychological traits or motives you assign to me. I am not an almighty being. I wish I was. If I was, well, lots of people would die. Even more would live, however, and live better.

there is a pacifist weenie and a hitler in all of us
we all get to decide what is “better living” for ourselves, unless some sick person removes that choice

I actually believe in simple arithmetic as public policy.

If you can save a few hundred young people from becoming drug addicts by shooting a few drug makers, wholesalers and dealers in the face, I say shoot them. I don’t care if one or two of them are innocent, either. The math adds up.

If you can save a hundred thousand people a year from being shot by banning guns, I say ban them.

If you can save a few hundred humans from being mauled by forcing people to sterilize their pit bulls, I say sterilize them.

If you can save a new generation from becoming smokers by banning cigarettes, I say ban those, too.

Simple arithmetic, really.

ah yes, simple minds enjoy simple “solutions” even when in reality they are not fixing a problem but adding to it;

you are not saving anyone by taking away a life, you are destroying that life and your own life