Nationalist fails:
I take the chance to test embedding non-Youtube videos.
Here you have a diss video between two nationalist groups in Germany. The interesting thing is the amount of energy (the video is well made) that one groups put into dissing another nationalist group. One would assume they have big ressources.
The group in the video poses as hard in a completely overdone manner, displaying the opponent group as faggy and money worshipping fools.
True you can’t embed but I like these little previews of links the new software does. They did a good job overall, although it’s a bit of a pain at the server end that they went with containers.
I see he has a small following. That’s a shame. Do you think this is the view of the Republican Party? Because I think that’s exactly why you posted it. I think you are trying to make it white so you can call it racist.
Michele, I don’t need to “make it white” (whatever that means) to call it racist. This guy is obviously racist. And no, I don’t think he is representative of Republicans overall.
I honestly don’t know what you’re on about. Robert Sterkeson is not a Republican, he is a self-declared Nazi. He isn’t running for president as a Republican, he is running as a Nazi. That you associate him with Republicans amuses me, and I even see some similarities, but I didn’t make that association. You did.
The thread is called “Nuts-ionalism done wrong” which is an obvious play on Nationalism Done Wrong. I saw this and thought it was the best example of nationalism done wrong that I’ve ever seen. That’s why I posted it.
Many revolutionaries began small. Uncle Dolph had been an imprisoned painter rejected by university of arts.
From the ashes of ZOG-Babylon we shall rise like never before to establish a 1000 year kingdom-reich of peace, faith and truth with the help of the almighty for the 144000 of gods elite.
What it the problem with soup kitchens now? Also poor people or many times especially poor people are in need of the warmth of a clan or nation.
Uncle Adolf knew this and won many votes amongst the poor.
Also our Lord Jesus Jahshuah and Mohammad the arab suposed prophet had most success amongst them.
Uncle Adolph was crushed under the boot heel of a great western alliance. The crazed syphilitic paperhanger took his own life in an underground cesspool.
You really must be the smartest stupid person I’ve ever known.
This mentality stems from years of brainwashing in liberal colleges. I blame them for brainwashing my newly devout agnostic daughter who glorified God for everything in her life during her Valedictorian speech just 7 short years ago.