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You don’t get it. When a body gets to be like yours there is no life without drugs. Can you tolerate the way you feel without daily marijuana use?

It is almost impossible to care about yourself. It is because you think you are ice cream and good.

How do you drop off? You try it all the time. Eating, sex, exercise, traveling. Always looking to drop the stuff off on somebody else.

When you try to solve a substance abuse problem don’t just focus on the drug dealers. Not even on the drugs. Focus on your body’s substance, you cannot just keep carrying massive amounts of guilt, shame, violation, like nothing because you want to be an ice cream. You build those feelings up, never dealing with them and just put them off on others.

You are abusing your body by making it a substance as ice cream. That is the problem. It is not good or all good.

That made for fun, made for sex, made for carefree living stuff that you keep telling yourself and others is all good is the problem.

It doesn’t make it better for victims. And you force violence when you get too lazy or incapable to prevent it from breaking down further.

What are you going to do now…call me fat?


It looks like it turned him into a liberal. Now if we could just get clarence Thomas to fall on his head.

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Thomas can fall on his head (and hopefully die) in a few months. Say, mid November.

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Interesting vote. 7 to 2. If this was abortion, I would probably agree with it. It is amazing to me that birth control is a morality issue. 100000 more women will be without it. Which is not a ton. I found it interesting, because either Sotomayor or Kagan voted for it.

Well, this is different.

How so?

I mean you are the one pushing for those type of optimal weight bodies.
Am I supposed to be that guy? You keep demanding I lose over half my body mass within a week if not overnight.

That’s the kind of demand you place on people that makes victims.

What can I say, it should have been you.

Now stop criticizing my body and my eating and health lifestyle. Stop telling me I’m overweight and I need to drop weight.

That’s exactly what your optimal “fit” standard is. You try to force it on me it gets forced on others. It doesn’t give much chance to a victim in the right or innocence.

No it’s not. There are several stories current about body dismemberments. 2 most recent are soldiers.

You are pushing a body issue that is a factor.

The suspect is his 21 year old assistant whom his sister witnessed dismembering the body and then fled. He stabbed the victim multiple times and then severed arms,legs, and head with an electric saw.

Could the victim have fought back or had no chance at the time because he found himself frozen and without breath I don’t know. Why this task just seemed so easy for a 21 year old I don’t know either. Maybe things were just too easily accomplished for this individual without the required work for his entire life.

It isn’t like a body just falls apart like that without support or drops off from weight.

Do you think it was food motivated?