New World

Poor Dusty. It must be hell.

or heaven, am sure she has many good moments

Not at all, Will. Everything is fine. Normal even.

Sorry for you. Maybe you should put the mirror away. Thereā€™s plenty of ugly things to see in the world.

After 30 years, maybe. We have certainly had our share of hellacious moments.

True. Iā€™m sure you have had good moments as well. That we donā€™t see it is irrelevant.

no need to feel sorry, from experience i can tell you that the world will be changed instantly once you are able to face and deal with your own issues

its all about perception and what we choose to see or imagine

I donā€™t have any issues, thinki. My life is fairly easy. The only issue I have in life is political in nature and vulgar in reality.

Ahahahaha! Can oā€™ worms

What we ā€œchooseā€ to see is not reality. You choose to see me as a bad person with issues. I choose to see you as a good person with no issues. Neither may be true but perception must be more important than reality as truth does not matter.

May as well talk to a fence post

I feel the same way.

I notice tychicus never came back after the ā€œGreat Red Waveā€ failed to materialize.

what we choose to see is your reality

thats not how i see you, i do not even believe in bad people and we all have our issues

perception is the reality we create for ourselves
there are many truths and many lies

Now Iā€™m bored

Tychicus wasnā€™t appointed to Hell and he wasnā€™t able to make it Heaven so I suspect he dusted off and walked away.

What Iā€™m posting isnā€™t my reality. Itā€™s yours. My reality is very different that all this.

I believe in bad people. How can discern between the two if we donā€™t have both?

Well I hope Iā€™m creating the best image of what reality is because in my humble opinion, until we acknowledge what reality is, we canā€™t make the world a better place. In my opinion, the world is headed to Hell in a hand basket. What can we even do about it?

Send money to the DNC

Not everyone desires to burn quicker.

thats the point, i dont think you should discern between people at all since we
all do ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œbadā€ things and everyone cant even agree which is which

i think thats the issue, we all have our own reality and no matter how much you stamp your feet or how hard you try to make your version of a better place by kindness or force, there will never be an agreement among everyone to acknowledge 1 reality

tolerate eachother and stop wasting energy on creating that heaven or hell for everyoneā€¦

Michele is the most negative person in here,

So what is the point of the conversation? Are we going to exchange recipes? There is important things happening all over the world but we canā€™t talk about them because we judge them either good or bad. Should we judge them fun or boring? Would that make you feel better? Maybe we should just pist and not talk to one anywhere. No opinion is a gooā€¦I mean fun opinion.

Then stop stamping your feet.
I have to disagree with you because we all will acknowledge 1 Reality and probably in the very near future.

Im not creating it. Itā€™s already a reality.

Yes because instead of posting fun Trump stuff, I have to post boring Biden stuff. Your wish for Hell to come soon doesnā€™t seem very positive though.

case in point

You created it. Why are you bitching at me for giving you what you want?