That’s what I’m thinking. Need to get some trees cut. Should keep it’s value id say. It was 379000. Even if I was rich I couldn’t see buying a million dollar home, where 0.01% of the population could afford it.
I didn’t even know blueberries gave milk at all.
Well, it looks nice.
But one has to add that it is brand new. And you have a woman.
Wait until the woman is gone and when you will have been living there for some months.
Possibly will turn into a desaster area as it always does. One just cannot do anything about the ravages of time in this world.
Do you have many extra rooms currently? Will you rent them out to pay the home off quicker before you must occupy them with children? Maybe you can drive for lyft and uber as well as rent the home out on Airbnb.
You nailed it, Mark.
Since you don’t have kids Dan, and assuming you have a basement, one bedroom in this home has the potential to pay the mortgage, assuming your mortgage is between 11 and 1300.00 a month. A pool or a lake nearby are desirable to the eye to draw in potential renters, and of course, location is everything. Any chance you are near an airport?
Not sure what you are talking about here AgeofGrace as you speak as the voice of wisdom, conscience, and home guidance here.
I know this is is a house with windows. Maybe not Windows 95. And the 95 points which you can probably draw up here were actually nailed to a door on a different place a long time ago… And don’t use my real name when you are speaking of somebody else. It is not Martin. I don’t want to draw or support connections where too many resources are allocated without return.
This is Dan’s house. Ecclesiastical finance cannot be superimposed and applied anywhere at whim.
Maybe he wants to teach yoga or open up a daycare or pet sitting business in the basement. Immediately you want to “flip” a house to show off your “market genius”.
Sounds like a Betty Ford Clinic dream Michele. Not certain if that is what is the most pleasure for everyone.
That is a very nice house and yard Dan. You did something in your lifetime I will probably never achieve in mine. Let it be your dream and don’t accept other’s “money pit” commentary and you can be just as if not more a shrewd and crafty investor and seller yourself.
Michele knows where her money is going as how she will spend her “end days” of the “latter and best” part of life.
By the way, will you ever let the cat roam outdoors?
…nor a conversion into a giant beer hall if you rented it to Gunda and me… you don’t want to have a full blown beer-hall putsch in your basement now will You?
Well Dan, you’re certainly getting a lot of helpful advice from your friends on BBAD on how best to monetize your investment. May I suggest opening your house on the weekends for neighborhood casino nights. Perhaps Thursday evening orgies?