
when that love involves bashing your babies against rocks… definitely

I didn’t watch your video but I assume it’s referring to child sacrifice.

You can tell me about it if you want but I’m not going to watch it.

you should watch it, he is a believer justifying psalm 137:9

I can see plenty through your hurt words.

interesting, what do you see?

I see you using Scripture to paint evil.

you dont think bashing babies on rocks is evil?


then isnt it your scriptures and not me that paints evil?

Scripture testifies of evil. You paint God evil for using man to testify of evil.

no, i do not paint your imaginary creature evil… your scriptures paint evil and you justify it

I confess it. I don’t justify any of it.

really? so you agree with me that most of your bible is filled with racist, sexist, hateful garbage?

No, ttupid. I believe it is the Truth.

sounds like justification to me

Sounds like man to me.

yes white men created propaganda that is justified by you

Confessed by me.

With a membership I have I can see 3 movies a week at a chain of theaters in any format for a monthly subscription and earn rewards points. I also have my own Prime and got added by others for Netflix, Hula, and Disney not that I use them often for anything. But I do see several movies a month.

Last one I saw was Gladiator 2 last night and it was a late show that got out after 2 am.

Denzel Washington was good. Baboon scene and Water scene very good. Water scene was so realistic it brought back feelings of awe and excitement I had as a child at sea world.

It didn’t play out to be like the Spartacus series with excessive nudity and sexuality and in fact none at all but the heavy tones where there. Roman rule and elite were always super disgusting. But the dream of a new Rome was there.

I saw significance of the wolf statue and the two children. I have seen these in person actually. How Rome was born.