most dont
Listen Nico, royalty exists in Europe for a reason. If you don’t know say so and I’ll go spend a few hours, research it myself, return and explain it to you.
lol i doubt you would spend more than 5 mins on it
if you would like to know why i think royals still exist in europe, you only have to ask that and i would tell you its because they are among the richest people in the world
If it doesn’t hold my interest but I’m actually interested in royalty since we don’t pay homage to humans here. As a Christian nation, we bow down to no person because Christ is our King.
I have asked that, repeatedly. Now I ask, why don’t you stop bowing down and serving them?
no you did not even ask that once
because i cannot stop doing what i never did
You’re lying. You choose it every day as long as royalty rules the land. Are the people powerless to replace royalty? Are the people powerless to stop paying for their position of privilege?
iam not lying and do not choose it any day and royalty do not rule the land
in principle no, in reality yes until most people start using their brains and are willing to do something about it
You’re right. That was harsh and maybe not even true although I think you probably have lied at least once in your life. Actually, you are a denier of truth in your own land.
Which may be never because you can’t face truth of the bondage you are under. That’s what makes me thankful we serve a King whom we love with heart, soul and mind.
naturally, iam human and did a lot worse things as well
i certainly deny most of your “truth”
yes i do not see things that are not real or that are not happening
You can’t even seem to comprehend my Truth and you never will until you face truth in your own land and who you are publicly proclaiming as your King.
May the scales be removed from your eyes, in Jesus’ Name.
i understand addiction very well
that will indeed never be happening
may sanity remove the religious shit out of your and everyone’s brain, in the name of humanity
Oh, wasted hope?
I know. You will always be like sheep.
Knowledge of hope wasted. I don’t recall ever reading curse words in your posts. You act like someone threw holy water on you.
to hope is always to waste
thats correct, i do not believe in "bad’ words… but its ok… i didnt mind your curse
I hope this is the last wasted post.
that just proves my statement
Yes, it proves you’re wasted.
and another wasted post… but keep hoping, it might come true… or not
You paint it a failure. Clearly, I was not hoping for the right thing and God doesn’t care if I waste a post or it would not be wasted waiting on you to stop talking in circles.
what is a failure and a circle to one is a victory and square talk for another
Do you like square talk? Is that the way your parents raised you?