
This is about restorative justice. This is not a problem of the past,” said Booker. “In 2019, there were more marijuana arrests, and most of them—over 90%—for possession only, more arrests like that than all violent crime arrests combined. This is not a war on drugs, it’s a war on people and certain people.


The catch is no gun ownership. You cannot possess a firearm with a medical marijuana I.D.
If you have a gun and under the influence of a controlled substance it is a crime.

Democrats look to legalize marijuana at federal level

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Aren’t you for that, Michele?

Yes I am.

They put up some new signs outside the office today. Made me chuckle.

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don’t worry
they are working on an mRNA vaccine for you

i can’t quite make it out
those cars in the background…
are they powered by fossil fuels or charged by coal-burning power plants?
can you smoke in them if you keep the windows rolled up?

Bad news for smokers. The cdc wants to ban menthol cigarettes. More bad news for smokers. I support banning menthol cigarettes.

I support banning all cigarettes, and drafting smokers to fight in Ukraine. Their horrible smell should scare off the Russians.

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I support taking up smoking menthol cigarettes and blowing smoke in your face until you choke to death.

el greco: famous for elongated figures
you learn about that stuff when you read great literature

here’s a little someting i call the el greco
no reason

The UK may go in the opposite direction as Canada.

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That was a good move on his part since he has lost revenue from globalist advertisers who don’t like his release of the Twitter files.