Lion Men Of Moab

Ok, let’s go along with the idea that your omnipotent sky fairy created races.

If that’s true, he also designed them to interbreed. He made it possible for them to do so, and he gave the resulting children racial traits from both parents. Obviously this was his intent.

If that’s true, interracial mating and breeding is God’s will.

You’re neglecting his purity and marital laws given in the commandments (aka the RTFM)

What laws? I’ve read the commandments many times and have never seen anything that said “thou shalt not breed with those outside your tribe”.

I have to admit that I don’t know and that there are more important problems of biblical magitude out there at the moment. Pharmafascism, genetic engineering and “great reset” is a declaration of war against all natural life, from animal to human and god creator-god himself.

Well, then you really shouldn’t be citing laws that you don’t know about. :slight_smile:

Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman and God was angry with Aaron and Miriam for criticizing that marriage.

I am sorry, Reg, an ask for forgiveness in meekness. I have been boasting without proper knowledge. From time to time the proud and loud white nationalist is still coming through, but I am working on my humility. Thank You for - sort of - being my bible teacher from time to time on bbad.

Do you have the position at hand?

You are side stepping the issue and going off topic. If a lion gave you a genetic code or key, how well could you hold on to it?

Something about my asparagus that has you pulling this move?


Some guitar players might chip in. Others might be too hurt.

Thanks. This whole pharmafascism situation is getting on me making me even more hyperactive than before. Sometimes I think I am going nuts. Sorry.

There’s no need to be sorry, Daniel. I don’t think there’s any point to BBAD beyond cases like this where we exchange opposing opinions.



Num 12:6
Yahweh reveals himself to prophets (but Mose) in dreams and visions. (No voices in the head). Neido!
–> I had those one time or another and some even came true. But I have to write them down directly after waking up or I forget all about them.

Strife and wrath.

Miriam had been racist and likely been jealous of Moses! And YHWH had been angry with Miriam. Miriam had been a bit too much of a little white nationalist, but YHWH wasn’t pleased with her. You know, a little too much Zieghailing and bang - fist of YHWH threatingly arisen strikes you - pillar of salt like Lot’s wife!

  • Numbers 12

I WASN’T AWARE OF THAT!! I knew Ruth and Boaz, but this one I didn’t know yet.

I have dealt with lion men of the Obama era.

When You say “lion men”, I immidiately have to think of the infamous “Action 52” NES cartridge.

What are lion men, Mark? Kushites like Mose’s wife?

Another good article