Life is good

Well I guess you dug a fine ditch.


Seems, the ā€žLife is goodā€œ-section fits perfectly to post some documentary about Germanyā€™s most famous sports couple, Rosi Mittermaier & Christian Neureuther. Till that interview I knew, that Rosi is a wonderful person. Did expect Christian to be more egomaniac - but I he proved that impression of mine wrong. He totally surprised me about having read and loved Eichendorff and endorsing the romantic way of approaching and treating women. What he said about the love letters - adorable.:smile:

Also a nice anecdote was how Rosi first recognized him as a potential boyfriend. She was attending the male youth race as a 15 year old girl and watched 16 year old Christian fall - and he did something uncommon in that situation: Laughing instead of being angry. :joy:

Iā€™m in Burlington Vermont for a training. I love this city. Although the weather is not good this week.

Itā€™s full of beer, pizza, yoga, marijuana, skiers and Bernie Sanders fans.

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I envy you.

Iā€™m in Toronto which is also full of all those things, but itā€™s huge and cold and full of fat people, too.

I am sitting outside a makeup store in a mall. My woman is in there with my mother. I wasted several hundred dollars and then told them I was done paying for useless shit and waited outside. This is everything that is wrong with the western world. Nobody knows how to have fun without going to a fucking mall and spending thousands of fucking dollars on shit they donā€™t need and will never use. My woman wouldnā€™t have dreamed of behaving like this in Medellin. This society is a cancer.

Thatā€™s tough nuts pal. Now she has the jones for shopping. Good luck. I on the other hand have wisely decided to redo the interior of my truck. New seats and carpet.

There is hope. I said the same thing when they left the store. My mother said I was being a downer but my woman agreed with me. This society is a cancer.

It really, really struck me how this messed up farce of a society is so desperate to buy hope that they canā€™t even open their eyes to notice that all the women walking in and out of that makeup store are fugly. The $200 little bottles of makeup arenā€™t working, ladies. Youā€™ll actually have to do it the hard way. Lay off the chocolates and lose 100 lbs. Or keep buying $200 bottles of makeup and stay fugly while lying to each other about how itā€™s now totally different. Whichever.

Oh someday they can have the fat vacuumed out and the baggy skin left behind stapled together and their turkey necks pulled up to their eyebrows. We are constantly bombarded with expensive toys (cars) and youth (plastic surgery). Once you canā€™t afford it you quickly lose your taste for it.

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Iā€™m still driving my 1995 Ram pickup but I keep it maintained as I would never be able to buy a new one that I love as much.

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I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like all this useless makeup just makes me look like the POM.

Whatā€™s wrong, Reggie? You seem upset? What kind of fun did you have in mind that was invalidated by the women in your life?

Your woman knew she had to go home and listen to your vapid and baseless complaint about hundreds of dollars wasted on makeup as you dream about the responsibility you would take of that old car you would like to purchase and dump thousands of dollars into that no one can ever drive, ride in or even touch.

That really really sucks for me. I was going to cancel, but now I feel the need to keep my Botox appointment. You have such a way with women, Reg. Itā€™s probably good you have a lot of money.

You speak cancer into existence and then wonder why your lungs offend you in Colombia. I hope you feel better soon.

Michele, none of my recent diatribes were aimed at you. I was and still am frustrated by the superficiality of Canadian society. Iā€™m sorry if you took it personally.

No biggie!

How many injections of Botox do you require and how often? How about liposuction? How often and how many quarts of cellulite were removed?

Last day in Vermont. Hoping to leave before the snow falls. 3 hr drive.

I had draught ginger beer, root beer, stout, veggie burgers, fish tacos and 1 flatbread. Mostly good. Especially the ginger and root beer.

At this training the states areā€¦

Wisconsin, Wisconsin, ohio, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, florida, new Hampshire, Vermont, Vermont.

I had one of the shorter drives but in the class the englanders are the minority. Feels like Iā€™m in the midwest sometimes.

What was the subject of the training?

I write middleware rules so the lab tech can interpret why a lab result did not automatically go to the patientā€™s chart. 95% of labs go to chart without the tech doing anything except putting the specimen on an instrument. Iā€™m in charge of writing a language that the tech can understand. There are other things besides that involved in the middleware but the purpose of the training was advanced rule writing. Thatā€™s one of my many hats. The lab is very computerized now. Like a new car ;). I wonder if the 24 year olds could write this better than me. I think they could eventually, but not now and the 20 year olds are VERY impatient with no desire to work to move up the ranks. They are good for a few years. I wonder what techs will be like in 10 years. We have had a ton retirerees coming up and the 20 somethings do something else after not liking it for 5 years. Unless they are poor. Then they just complain and I ignore them lol.

The 60 year olds now staying longer than the 25 year olds.