Life is good


An exciting week went by. Jamie left the dog hell in Romania for paradise on earth for good. I was nervous how Gracie and her best friend Fina (my landlord’s dog) will react to her. But all went fine. I wanted for Gracie to have a dog companion 24 hours with her. But I didn’t expect to have the luck to get such a smooth and easy dog, as Jamie was a streetdog too when she was found. She appears to not have gained bad habits from her life as a streetdog. Friendly to every human, dog and even cats.:heart_eyes:


You caved in and took the Romanian dog? Great!

We have had a roller coaster with our 15 year old cat the last week. She had a tooth pulled and during the surgery they did a complimentary ear cleaner which gave her an infection and she now has horrible vertigo. Was at the vet for 3 days. I thought she had a stroke. Cannot walk in a straight line at all. She is now home for the last 2 days. If her vertigo improves she is pretty healthy otherwise. We will see how the next 3 weeks go. So I haven’t been around much.


You all have a cat. I have a dog. That’s funny lol.

So many pet owners wouldn‘t invest that much money and caring time which comes with an operation, especially when they are old already. Therefore my best wishes.


Cats are destructive. How do you keep them from tearing up your plants or scratching wood floors?

Thx Gunda. She’s my wife’s cat technically. I probably wouldn’t go through with ear canal surgery. I’m giving her antibiotics twice a day. She’s getting a little better
Shes eating, purring, seems happy so we’ll see.

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We have tile downstairs. Mostly rugs upstairs. I destroy the plants well before the cat gets to them.

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So what your saying is you can’t have plants and wood floors if you want a cat? I suppose declawing would be considered inhumane.

I have some wood floors. The cat doesn’t bother them.

It is considered inhumane.

Declawing is inhumane indeed. Not alone that cats need them to climb, to stretch and to knead, but declawing also often leads to painful deformation of the Skeleton and arthritis. Some carpets will help protecting someones „precious“ wooden floor. And if someone values his/her Interieur higher than his/her cat, than they rather look for some Aquarium instead.

Thanks for enlightening me. I don’t think I value my wood floors that much but I do value oxygen producing plants and so an aquarium might be the better route.

Cats are fun. They play and sleep in your bed. Fish in the house are boring and kinda gross.

Awww…you make them sound so sweet and lovable. How often do you want to kill the cat for breaking something. You can be honest.

Never. She hasn’t broken anything significant in four years. A vase once a few years ago. She does scratch up a chair or two but I don’t care much. Reupholstery is cheap and keeps the home looking new anyway.

Cats aren’t lovable like dogs are. They aren’t full of affection. They like to play but their play usually involves running away as you chase them. They’re vastly easier to live with than dogs, though.

I don’t know, Reg. If you keep your dog outside, he’s pretty easy to put up with. All you have do is keep them fed, groomed and pet them. Dogs have an amazing ability to communicate and hold their focus unlike cats that don’t even acknowledge your existence because they are entitled, self-consumed creatures.

I agree with you and if I had an “outside” I might get a small dog. For an apartment dweller, cats are much easier as they don’t need to be walked. For me any pet has to be small so they can fly because travel is a big part of my life.

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Nice chat. I think I’ll take my dog swimming.

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