Left Wing Nutjobs

Ok, that definition is:

fem·​i·​nism ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm

: belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests

It says absolutely nothing there about sharing finances. But you believe a man who doesn’t hand over half his money is not a feminist. So what’s your real definition?

By the definition you posted, I am absolutely a feminist. I am the only feminist on this site. The rest of you advocate against women’s interests.

uhm no, just because i dont call them anomalies doesnt mean i advocate against womens interests…

Left wants free drug use. Drug real hard they want it regulated and stopped for any individual that does.

They even quit and sober up on their own without rehab. Grammys were wonderfully clean this year.

Omg, I hope here are english subtitles available. Dieter Nuhr. The co-founder of the Greens (and who thankfully found most of his senses meanwhile) lashes out on all left parties (Grüne, Linke and SPD) as well as their first chancellor, Merkel. Love it! :laughing:

But I seriously hope it‘s fake news that janitors in Mönchengladbach now get stab-proof vests. :see_no_evil:

I wonder if I’m a left wing nutjob.

Me too, I wonder if I quality.

The political label depends only who‘s left and right from you. If both US parties, the Dems and Reps, would participate in Germany, both would stand right from the AfD if you view the whole party. Single issues vary of course in it‘s classification. The AfD is for public healthcare for example. No one in the US would assess this position as a typical right position. Both US parties justify drone attacks on their enemies in countries they have no war with. Not a single party in Germany, neither the „extremist“ left or right, would dare to even think about it.

If for example people would have to say yes or no to 100 political solutions the parties offer, then I am pretty sure, many left party voters would make their cross also on right party solutions. Three quarters of the German citizens want to tighten immigration policy for example. There must be many also of the left among them.

no need to pray to imaginary creatures, subs are available on youtube

a comedian becoming a political leader in ukraine and in germany its the other way around lol

now all we have to do is find the right genes to make germans understand whats funny :wink:

just not for certain groups, they need to be remigrated…

nonsense, germany is not at war with russia, but supplies drones to ukraine that uses them on russia

Why is my position allegedly against womens interest but yours is?

We are at war with Russia. Even our lefty foreign minister admitted that.

I totally feel left out here. Here is my left wing cred:

  • I believe that universal healthcare is a human right, and I believe in taxation to pay for it.

  • I believe that capitalism is on its last legs and that we must have a guaranteed income system or the human race will die. AI/robotics is going to replace all of us in the workplace. It’s only a matter of time.

  • I believe in heavy taxation and a narrowing of the gap between rich and poor. I am open to novel and creative ways of achieving that, including possibly killing people once their net worth reaches one billion dollars. Just thinking aloud. We could start more modestly with perhaps a 1000% tax on all luxury goods.

  • I believe in socialist free education including university.

Here is my right wing cred:

  • I believe in balanced budgets.

  • I believe in the traditional family, and I believe infidelity should be illegal and punished by law.

  • I think people born with penises should not compete in women’s sports.

  • I support war on drug dealers. And by war, I don’t mean the Ronald Reagan kind of war. I mean drop bombs on the mfers.

  • I believe Islam is a dangerous, violent, anti-freedom religion and should be controlled.

With this much cred on both sides, I insist on being called both a RWNJ and a LWNJ.

Thank you.

That‘s what I was saying with my post. Duh.

You believe men should hand over half their salaries over to women. Since effectively 0% of men are ever going to agree to that, you advocate for the destruction of the family. There would be no families under your system, and almost all women would be alone.

All of your positions are ridiculous.

A man buys a house and lives in it for 10 years, then meets a girl who moves in. You then say ridiculous crap like, “the man is controlling the woman because he controls the house”. What if they mutually agreed on a settlement they both found equitable before the girl moved in? Oh no, Kanzler Gunda says you can’t do that, she’ll tell you how to organize your finances, and if you don’t agree, you’re not a feminist.

A man and woman marry and you want to tell them how they should organize their finances. God forbid we actually let two adults figure that out for themselves. What if the woman makes more? Must she give half to the man? What if they mutually agree differently? Oh no, Kanzler Gunda says you can’t do that, she’ll tell you how to organize your finances, and if you don’t agree, you’re not a feminist.

Your definition of feminism really does appear to be, “if you don’t agree with Gunda on everything, you’re not a feminist”. By my definition of feminism, you are clearly the least feminist person on this site.

Let’s see the other perspective: you believe women should stay at home to take care of their partner, children, family - without having any financial security from that day on.

What‘s more extreme, your position or mine (= that in such a case, both should share this financial risk and not just the woman)?

You blame working women for low birthrates. Look into the mirror. You are the least person with a right to point your finger.

I never said assets (or income) gained BEFORE the woman (or the man) stays at home, should be shared as well. Not even a Promille of it should be going to the partner. Only from that day on, one of them stays at home.

Really. It would be nice if you first would comprehend what I say to begin with, before you criticize me with such extreme labels.

I summorize:
Reggie: Society should get more children, but women should bear all the financial risk if that means they shall stay at home.
Me: Agree with Reggie’s goal, but demand sharing the financial risk (50/50).

But according to you, I am not the feminist, lol.

nonsense lol germany declared war on russia in 1914 and 1941, not recently

Nonsense. I’ve only explained this ten million times to you, so I don’t expect one more will register, and you will continue misrepresenting my position. I believe women should do whatever the hell they want. If you want to go be a high powered businesswoman and try to become a billionaire (as I did), do that. If you want to want to be a doctor and work long hours in the emergency room for high pay, do that. And if you want to stay at home and raise a family, do that, and I won’t be telling women how they are permitted to arrange their finances. This is because I am a feminist and I trust women to make their own decisions, unlike you who do not trust women to make intelligent decisions and want to make all their decisions for them.

lol you are both feminists!
(fake ones)

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At least I’m not Dutch.

there is no denying your ancestors, my dutch brother