But fine, remigration of convicted criminals, illegal migrants and people who don‘t agree with our values is firstly correct and secondly has nothing to do with feminism. All migrants are treated the same, men as well as women.
Yes, no special treatment for anyone if not biologically justified. Or do you also want to get rid of maternity leave or the rule that children and women shall be the first to be rescued in case a ship sinks?
lol especially@“people that dont agree with (y)our values”, those are still people, why are you treating them differently? thats against equality and feminism…
there is no biological justification or buts or ifs when you are a feminist and believe in equality
Prior we talked only about the issue if transgender women (who still have their penis) should be allowed to use the womens changing room. You then dragged feminism into that discussion.
Please spare me your intellectual dishonesty by claiming now even, that I meant „my“ values instead of the values of my country. If someone wants to migrate, then no special rights and no changing for that we adapt but not them.
Nico, I would be for the usage of one changing room and toilets if not the majority of the most vulnerable gender here, namely women, choose against it. Like the AfD I am all for referendums. Let the majority decide. Be a democrat, Nico.
Of course all should be rescued. But if you don‘t rescue children and women first, then barely any of them will survive. But also here I am the opinion, one should be open to a referendum.
not quite how i perceived this; in this topic we were discussing equality/feminism and i claimed that the majority of people that call themselves feminists are fake and dont believe in the principles of feminism and shared a link to an article to explain my points, then you asked me what is contrary in that article with your view on feminism and i asked you to read the article and think about it, then you still claim you agree with the article, so i told you why i think you do not and you showed you do not agree and are not a feminist
there is no intellectual dishonesty on my side, just your anti-feminist view where you dont want to treat everyone as an equal
the afd is not about referendums, its mainly about anti-migration
yes, the majority should always decide
nonsense, it just requires boats that are more safe just like cars can be made safe
Your perception is wrong and easily can be seen if you scroll up to the beginning of this thread. I talked about that transgender womens article. You were the one who referred to feminism and claimed by denying entry of transgender women (who still have a penis), that I am not a feminist. During our discussion you linked another article about feminism - to which content I agreed and asked you to copy the passage which allegedly proves your point that I am not a feminist. You failed as you couldn‘t come up with such a passage.
If that transgender is an equal to women, hence without penis, she is welcomed in the womens changing room. Till then I acknowledge the significant biological difference which makes most women feel uncomfortable to get naked. I respect this. You don‘t. And you want to claim you are a feminist? This opinion of yours rather indicates you are just a perv.
Look at the AfD program. The AfD is the only party which demands referendums alike the Swiss. That‘s democracy at its best.
Fine. If there ever will exist such a magical boat, then you may leave first.
lol you think my perception is wrong because your brain doesnt seem to allow you to connect feminism to equality when it concerns specific groups in “your” country
you cannot see any “proof” while the whole article explains in detail how feminism is all about equality for everyone…
a transgender with or without penis is an equal to all women and men and intersex people, since they are all humans
lol unlike you i respect any person not wanting to strip in front of everyone ( not just women);
1 changing room or bathroom for everyone doesnt mean everyone would be forced to parade naked in front of everyone or that all would be stuffed in a toilet to watch and smell someone pooping…
you can have private little rooms in such a changing room for that…
no need to claim; am certain iam much more a feminist than you ever will be
i think your fear and frustration about certain groups is clouding your reasoning and makes you deny what feminism is about: equaltiy for everyone
i did, its filled with similar crap that trump is rolling out now in usa, just with more cowardly carefully chosen words which would quickly disappear as soon as the afd would ever get in power…
referendums just waste time and money and should only be used for major critical issues
lol no need i have no desire to be on a boat and if i did iam not some fake feminist that wants special treatment for specific people
Equality in context of feminism means that all sexes have equal political, economic, personal and social rights and opportunities. How you derive from this goal the need for uni changing rooms and uni toilets is a riddle to me. I also have never heard that women had a problem with having their own changing room as well as toilets. I only heard from transgender women with a penis having a problem with this. My siding with women who defend their safe space against transgender women with a penis, doesn’t make me an anti-feminist. That you want to compel most women against their will, speaks volume about you.
I never said they aren‘t human. And of course also transgender women with a penis should be equal to everyone else. Putting the label of women and men aside, the reason is less the label but the sheer danger for girls and women and that they don‘t feel secure and comfortable.
Why didn’t you say this? I am not Jesus and know what’s going on in your crazy mind. Nice that you want to provide little rooms within a room, lol. This is still not as save as separated changing rooms and toilets.
We seem to have the same goal, but different ways to achieve it. This still doesn’t justify to say I am not a feminist.
Your left wing nuts bullshit is even worse. The Swiss made very good experiences with referendums. It‘s worth the money as Referendums mean democracy in it’s most direct form. Not as easy to be influenced by lobbyists and corrupt politicians. It also considers all voters and not just a few.
You are the one who wants a special treatment for specific people. And I am glad you won‘t use a boat. Children and women will be safer.
just like being able to sit everywhere in a bus is a political, economic, social right and opportunity! so is being able to go to a changing or bathroom!
i never heard any transgender having a problem with it but as far as i know lol you are a woman and you made it more than clear that its a personal thing and that you have a problem with it and you would need a referendum to “force” you to be kinda ok with it lol
yes it certainly does, it makes you a fake feminist because once again feminism is about equality for everyone
lol i do not want to “compel most women against their will”, or anybody for that matter; i just want the same thing that real feminists want: same treatment for everyone!
lol yes you did, you called them “anomalies”
now you sound like reg, those poor little women need to be protected… oh no! they might feel insecure or uncomfortable and aaargh! they may not be able to handle themselves… lmao guess what? they can, because they are equals!
ok we can all have bigger rooms for everyone in a single room lol geez
for me its just a way of finding out what people really think of themselves and me
better question is why do you assume the worst scenario? and why this foolish need to “protect” the poor little helpless women? why would they need special treatment or extra protection? answer: they do not, because… they are equals (if you were a feminist you would know this)
ofcourse it does, if you dont follow feminism and dont believe in equality for everyone then you are not a feminist (or at least in my opinion)
no my “left wing nuts bullshit” doesnt remigrate, discriminate or hurt anyone
i dont think so, its just more money and time wasted but feel free to move to swiss and live there for a while and find out or get enough people to vote for it in your country lol
lol no gunda, i do not
iam the one that wants the same equal fair treatment for everyone
you are the one that wants a special changing or bathroom only for women! (and not even women with a penis!), you are the one that wants women and kids to be rescued first, (plenty of sick grandfathers in their wheelchairs will never forgive you for that!)
no they wont, because people dont care enough about making it safe
Well, I doubt hetero women came up with the demand that trans women with a penis shall be allowed to use their safe spaces, lol.
Nico, equality in the feminist context doesn‘t also mean, that women and men suddenly should compete together in sports either for example. Only the disadvantages for being a woman in political, economic and society in general should be stopped. Equality doesn‘t mean there is no biological difference. Therefore, yes, there is no rational reason for separate sex seats in a bus. But there is a rational reason why women and men don’t compete against each other in most sports, where this biological difference matters. Changing rooms and toilets are sensitive spaces, where most girls and women don‘t want to feel inhibited or even feeling threatened (think of former victims of rape for example), by a male looking person with a penis. They should be sure that no one with a penis is in this safe space. Most girls and women also wouldn’t want to take a shower after the gym if in the next cabin (here in Germany the showers in gyms as well as in public pools aren’t totally closed but only divided on the side by one thin wall out of plastic). There is a significant difference between a bus and changing rooms/toilets.
Same treatment for everyone yes, except the biological difference matters. And on this topic it matters as explained above. You might be a feminist - if perversion really isn‘t behind your reasoning - but just because I support most women who don’t want to have a transgender person with a penis in their changing room/toilet, I am not less a feminist.
You appear to me like one of those antiauthoritarian parents/anarchy people, who made experiences with extreme upbringing punishments and swing to the extremist other side. And just as deaf and blind for the healthy and reasonable middle.
If someone suffers because his/her sexual organs don‘t match with their gender identity, then they are still humans. They are an anomaly to the vast majority which represent the standard.
Your left wing nuts bullshit discriminates and hurt women, lead to more crime, violence, higher taxes and more expenses for the state. It also leads to a divided society.
Lol, a true left wing nut has spoken.
Ok. point taken. The old and disabled should go first together with the children.
True. But they are nevertheless safer on board without you.
oh i wouldnt be surprised if many demand and enjoy that, especially in a sexual way lol
they probably should if they want to be considered feminists and be considered equal or they will always be looked at as less (in those sports)
sure, but that pretty much covers everything…
i understand its a sensitive thing for people but no there really is no difference, it just means that rape victims should be helped better and that some people with indoctrinated penis fear and false taught prudeness/insecurity should get educated
yes it matters but shouldnt change how we treat everyone
its not your or their changing room or toilet, it should be everyones! and you do not have to be in the same one simultaneously lol
and yes you definitely are because you demand special treatment
lol i have no issues with authority, i just dont recognise anyone above or below me
yes i have no idea what “healthy and reasonable middle” people are and never heard or seen any of those
doesnt sound like anything related to me
lol no they shouldnt, all should be treated equally
I was actually searching for some other topic, when this one came up. The German feminist Magazin Emma published a German Noble Prize biologists article about the sex and gender discussion and the problems we face. I 100% agree with her and the Emma journalist. I don‘t know if for people outside Germany the option for English subtitles is enabled but I guess it is. If so, then I recommend to watch this video.
PS: I was shocked to hear that 10x more girls than boys feel unhappy with their gender during puperty and many wrongly believe they are transgender. Due to the latest law changing, the hurdle for getting the one way medical treatment for gender changing is significantly lowered.
its an interesting clip (and yes english subs are available)
i think a true feminist would be guided by their slogan: “my body, my choice” and would respect that for everyone else as well
ofcourse we all have our opinions but i really dont understand people that think they get to decide what others can or cannot do to their own body
dont forget that in most countries gender change is a lengthy medical and legal process and underage people always need to get consent from their parents or guardians to change their gender let alone have a gender operation
germany’s choice to make this easier and let people change their gender every year is an interesting one (my buddy tells me thats also also possible in norway, denmark, ireland, malta and argentina)
Someone who lives by “what is ___ to one is ____ to another” has no business talking about what a “true feminist” is. What is a feminist to one is different to another.
To me, a feminist is someone who seeks the best for women. To Gunda, as far as I can tell, a feminist is whoever agrees with her. To you, a feminist is someone who says “my body, my choice”. To Andrea Dworkin, a feminist is someone who hates men. And so on.
Hilarious! Is this the humour section, lol? How is a man who wants to always have the last say in a relationship, seeking „the best for women“? How is a man, who wants his partner to stay at home to take care of him/family, but not willing to share his income from that day on, seeking the best for his partner? The partner has no equal say, thus also no equal respect and no equal rights. Furthermore bears the biggest financial risk in case the relationship fails. You are a misogynist, not a feminist.
There are feminists who differ with my opinion and yet I acknowledge them as feminists.