Totally disagree.
thats ok, not everyone wants to be a feminist
Ethnicity doesn‘t play any role here but simply the fact, that most women don‘t feel comfortable and even safe with a man in a changing room or toilet. Is this really so hard to understand why?
no its not hard to understand that some people dont believe in feminism
If even Reggie calls himself a feminist, then no wonder, lol.
Dieter Nuhr. Co-founder of the Greens blames Merkel for the rise of the AfD due to her mass migrant policy during her reign and for her illoyality towards her CDU shortly before the election. My guess is he changed from green to black regarding political party colours, lol. And he expressed the populist ideology thinking of the Left: „Everything left is democracy - everything else is evil and outside democracy.“ Slowly I like Kabarett again.
I am in no way shape or form a feminist. They can vote they can be Dr’s or lawyers or carpenters or librarians they can inherit. The Bible supports polygamy and clearly states women are the property of their husbands and that they are to be submissive to their husbands. They have the right to refuse marriage.
See, even Greg understands what feminists fight for or rather against, lol.
yes, just like you
I understand it. You don‘t.
obviously you do not
Do seriously claim the majority of feminists think a common instead of separate changing room is a tool to achieve political, economic and social equality of the sexes?
no i claim the majority of people that call themselves feminists are fake and do not believe in the principles of feminism
I agree with the article, although I admit I read fast. So what exactly stands in that article which - according to you - is contrary to my view on feminism, Nico? And precisely also regarding the separation of men and women in different changing rooms (or toilets)?
perhaps you should read it again and a bit slower and you might see… or not
Thanks for proving my point, Nico. You have nothing to show.
uh huh as expected its the “or not”-option
you are welcome and thank you for proving my point lol
Well, as it‘s you who came up with the article to prove your point, it‘s legitimate for me to ask you to show me. Copy and paste should be doable even for you.
naturally, but iam done providing you all the answers in detail since your response will just be to ignore or say “you are an idiot”
so either you are not willing to listen or are not capable of understanding me (or both)
so instead i share an article that perfectly describes things and its up to you to read it and think about what might be my points or not
As I wrote already, I agree with the article. I just note the fact that it’s content doesn‘t support your claim that separate changing rooms for men and women is anti-feminism. And yes, you are an idiot, Nico.