
it doesnt?lol do tell everyone more about my version of diversity…


Diversity means including people from various parts of society. Diversity, by definition, includes those who are intolerant to it. You’re just too dumb to realize that if you are tolerant to diversity, you must, by definition, include those who are not.

Unless you’re a dumb Dutch free speech absolutist who thinks people who end their lives are cowards. Then you should just type nonsense and make yourself look stupid on the internet.

yes… totally agree… r’amen!

lol think/try to mindread again;
people have different opinions and believes… some (like me) even have those while not excluding others from any group…

unlike you i believe all humans are equal, whether they (think they should) apologise or not is irrelevant…

They never stated they felt sorrow. They stated if you took offense, they were really sorry. IMO, they felt nothing and still offended apart from sorrow because they don’t care. They made their message plain and I believe them but it’s them that I feel sorrow for because they think they do no wrong.


Nice twist, Nico. The point I was try g to make was that their statement was more of a “tough titty” apology. The only point I see you making is that since anal sex among men is forbidden according to the Bible and Christian’s can’t authorize or approve of it, an apology is not required or, according to Nico who believes God only exists in the form of a pink elephant, possible. That’s where you are wrong. They have, sarcastically, apologized, indicating all things are possible, with God. Thanks for helping me drive that point home.

its not the point i was trying to make (although i totally agree that christians have no authority at all about what others can or cant do)

i believe all people have their own opinions and believes and all can and should live their lives the way they want; if people want to act silly and party and mock things, they can and should… if people want to feel upset about that, they can and should

my point is that whether others think that an apology is required or not is irrelevant; when people believe they did nothing wrong they cannot make a truthful apology and so i dont think they did, but if you want to believe they did apologise instead of feeling sorry for the people that got upset about their party… good for you and it all works out

I didn’t say Christian’s have no authority about what others can and can’t do. I said Christian’s have no authority to approve of what others do. I don’t even think Christian’s want the burden of telling others what they can and can’t do.

Feeling upset is not an emotion a person wakes up and decides to invoke but I agree in that one can mock whomever they want but they should be willing to accept the consequences of their words and/or actions, right or wrong.

We can agree that they didn’t sincerely apologize and I don’t care about their empty apology.
To feel sorry for those who got upset would mean to feel sorry for myself and I don’t feel sorry for me at all. I’m sorry because they made a joke out of the Last Supper. Jesus’ last meal before he was crucified for us.

plenty of people manage to do that

iam sorry that you and many other deluded people continue to believe and teach your kids the sick joke that crucifying someone is right and can somehow save others

Where did you get the idea that crucifying someone was right? It was necessary but it wasn’t right at all.

The president says she’s going to work on a diplomatic solution to the Hezbollah attacks. I’m not against killing them all. They are brutal, merciless, cold-blooded souls who have nothing better to do than kill their neighbors.

necessary/right/justified/whaa they started first!/ordered by some invisible pink flying elephant… they are all the same silly excuse made by violent disturbed people to me

excellent example

Incomplete sentences that merge to the point I can’t understand what you’re saying. Silly excuse? If Christ laid down His life for us, what’s the excuse made by violent disturbed people?

If an invisible flying pink elephant ordered it, why were the people so violent?

You don’t believe there is a such thing as a righteous killing?

lol if you read all the words i type and hustle them around into american order it should make more sense

glad you still managed to understand just not comprehend yet…

ok maybe you will comprehend if i tell you a fairytale:

once upon a time a fantasyworld existed in which an almighty all-knowing god is real and this god named pinky is overseeing a lot of strange creatures called nobrains on a planet and this planet is called dirt

pinky has a son called brain and decides to send him down to dirt, of course knowing full well what will happen and so the nobrains do exactly as expected and crucify brain believing they killed him

brain being the son of a god cannot die but holds his breath and at the right moment jumps up and surprises the nobrains, making them believe its a miracle and so the nobrains promise to worship pinky and will try to convince all nobrainers on the planet dirt to do the same
brain says mission accomplished and leaves and goes back to his dad by climbing up his enormous pink trunk

pinky welcomes his son brain and congratulate him on being such a good actor and stroking his trunk and they both dance and chuckle about the stupidity of the nobrains and how successful their cruel trick was

because those people believe in an invisible pink flying elephant and that they are created in the image of such imaginary weird creature and therefore they are not bound by any logic

am sure it exists in the malfunctioning brains of lots of religious people

Awww, that’s very sweet thinki. You seem to really love that pink elephant. Perhaps you can name it someday. :grin:

i did… pinky!

I think that’s adorable. Everyone needs God, especially in the perverted world we now live in. The fact that you paint God as a pink elephant is your business. I should have recognized your special relationship years ago but at that time I didn’t know how much time you spent with Him. Now I can see clearly that He has always been at the forefront of your mind and you take Him everywhere you go. Too bad you’re so mean to him.

nobody need or deserves that nonsense

i do not spend any time with your pinky, i spend time on you and others that worship pinky since no human deserves to be that needy and insecure

one cannot be mean to something that doesnt exist outside the minds of religious people

i do not believe iam mean, i think iam helpful towards my brothers and sisters that are a bit lost but can find their way back to reality if they choose to do so

I agree so stop with the nonsense.

pinky is your God. I don’t even know pinky.

Therein is the problem then. You have some dillusion of global worship of your little god, pinky that you’ve lost touch with reality.

And yet, you gave him a name. (Pinky)

Neither do I, think you are mean, except to your pinky.

you are making the ridiculous claims that everyone needs your pinky…

its your imaginary creature, you just have different and less suitable names for it

again, i have no gods and dont worship anyone
i did indeed gave your delusion a name so you might think about what is real or not to you and more important to others