
have you seen the bbad front page?
i think the media covers this story
you have to click twice on aljazeera to go down far enough to see it
but they all got it

Fair point. What I’m really getting at is that the media doesn’t cover this in a fair way. If Iran had murdered an Israeli nuclear scientist in cold blood, the press coverage would be quite different.

Interesting, this.

donnie called 300 million people to attack washington
he got maybe 5000 people with more time than sense
only 150 charged so far
america is also making progress
makes me wonder how many people die in iran from TB

ever wonder why so few people die from TB in america
it’s not be cause america stands at the forefront of science
it’s cuz super- secret swamp things were saving people up
to die
in time to rig the election
fuck your feelings
fuck your machines

Science and data suggests the masks they wear to protect the world from exposure to their disease prevents the spread.

Oh geez, no one thinks that ever. America is always behind the rest of the medical world.

It is…

…like watching…

…a really great movie.

i say we invade a little iranian airspace
with fast things
also, the jan 6 riot cop “killed” was an antifa provocation
family were deep state employees
“ashes” burnt to the ground corruptly in the highest places
who ever saw the ashes?

You should probably be quite about that.

It’s hard to argue against this.

boris johnson, the UK trump

Only a hypocrite would call him a hypocrite.

I can only wonder what it’s going to cost us.

Michele, quit being silly. The sanctions cost you. Removing them will stop costing you.

Reg, don’t tell me what to do. That deal cost us a fortune. We gave all that money to a terrorist country. What did we get in return? “Death to America” chants. When Democrats are in office, everything is an expense to us. That stimulus package was full of garbage we didn’t need and shouldn’t have had to pay for including the damage done from the downplayed destruction in places like Portland so I have good reason to believe we will pay again. Perhaps the silliness is yours.

the ignorance of trumpsters is staggering

So are you…staggering I mean. Lol

I have been staggered by the ignorance of trump followers. Not so much anymore.

That’s just because trump is gone. You’ve got bigger problems now lol

Telling you to quit being silly isn’t really telling you what to do. It’s more of a rhetorical statement that you are being silly. Also quit being silly.

This is a total lie. The USA stole many billions from Iran by freezing assets that had nothing at all to do with the Iran nuclear program. These were oil and trade bank accounts and other such holdings. Obama agreed under the nuclear deal to return this stolen money. Now idiots on the right say the US “gave” Iran a bunch of money. If returning stolen property is “giving money” then there could be some merit to that, but it isn’t and there isn’t.

You better watch your mouth lol sorry I’m truing to be serious.