Huxley's "brave new world" character "Mustapha Mark"

Well I hope for both of us it won’t be neccessary. I still have some stamina. Let’s be an outrageous annoyance to the Satanic empire just a little while longer!
Good night!


At the very least, let’s be unpleasant.

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Who are you gossiping about now, Daniel?

Who are the people who should care more about abortion.

Did you want to have a debate on abortion? I’ll debate you. It’s none of your damn business and you have no right to know anything until after the election. It’s a little Left leaning so that means the debate is over. Your weird and unpleasant opinion has been noted and filed away in the nearest liberal trash can. Thanks for participating!

Old men are usually harmless. At best they will lead you down an unpleasant road and then call you unpleasant. It’s a little weird but they’re men so weird and unpleasant seem to be the favorite unsavory menu items for feeders such as these.

Muah hahaha!

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I finally listened to a Brave New World audiobook today on the plane. Brilliant work. It took two long flights to get through it but it was worth it.

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It doesn’t seem like we are going to be reading a review. It’s a conspiracy to make me go read the entire book.


It is kind of prophetic. And easier to understand due to the “location-based ambience effects”.

I am under fire and won’t post much…but I wish all of you bbaders a happy Levanah-Solstice-Christmas and bright lights in the darkness of the night.

Gott mit uns!

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Listen to / read it, Michelle. It is a masterpiece. Frightningly relevant. God bless in the name of Jeshua.

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may you find a shower or at least a bucket of icewater…
happy winter solstice, praise nimrod and bah humbug to you and everyone else celebrating a fake holy day!

Shaking my head. You glorify a hunter and condemn killing.

Relevant to what?

uhm no, but i do think that if you want to celebrate commercial fake nonsense one should at least praise the correct imaginary god that is responsible for it?

Oh, stinky it really doesn’t make a difference in suppressing thinking and is not oppressing in the least. Stinky, the way is subtle and gentle and simply no call for violence.

amen silky!

Saying you didn’t do it doesn’t make it less true. I remember what you said. It was praise nimrod. I can go back and repost it if you want to deny it a second time.

I’m all for giving a man credit for his work. What should we all give him praise for?

I liked Brave New World enough to want to read the paper version, which is rare for me these days. I’ll buy a copy in the coming days.

I also learned that I love using earbud headphones on a plane. I had never done that before. It totally drowns out the plane noises and lets you get into your book/music.

You probably have the good kind with noise cancellation. If I push them in deep the sound is wayyy deeper and better with the pressure. But it hurts later lots of weak ringing and headache after the powerful heavy sonic brain massage.

I blew my ears out a few times.

different parts of the brain light up when reading vs. listening
in normal people
i don’t know what parts think audio books are of the devil

I don’t know what parts think audio either.

Inspired by evil? Who do you think is going to believe such nonsense. Why don’t you go read another book.