Huxley's "brave new world" character "Mustapha Mark"

Books, especially non fiction, are generally a waste of time. This doesn’t include scientific papers or technical manuals. It definitely includes how to improve yourself crap and 99% of history books. Fiction is as good a way to masturbate as any but it doesn’t improve your mind any. If you need proof of that, just look at the mindless twits who insist that reading is somehow better than other forms of entertainment. It obviously hasn’t helped them any and it won’t help anyone else either.

you are really full of shit

sure, but i dont deny that was part of the sentence i typed, i deny
glorifying a hunter… if you quote my entire sentence including the word fake you might see a hint why i disagreed with your statement

december 25

When you say “praise” Nimrod what does that mean? Why are you giving praise to a man that may or may not have ever existed. Why don’t you just praise pink elephants and the tooth fairy instead?

Well here it is and it still reads the same, even if I try to read it in dyslexic mode.

Speaking of holy days, Trump made Christmas Eve a holiday this year through Executive Order. What do you think about that? I suppose it doesn’t matter to a foreigner. I thought it was a nice thing to do for government workers. When I googled it I, naturally, always look for CNN but they didn’t show up on the first page. I finally Googled with CNN as part of the search words and found it even though I wasn’t expecting anything positive from them.

CNN usually has a lot to say against Trump. In every article, you can read CNN like a thick book. This article, while positive, is only 5 paragraphs. I suspect the writer may have had to vomit before publishing the article. They are publishing on the internet the lies they are going to put in our history books for the next generation to learn from because no one is willing to tell the truth which the Bible makes clear will be exchanged for a lie in the last days.

Is that why you listened Brave New World? Because it was a dystopian science fiction novel that crushed your spirit by the time your flight landed?

So anything written by a college professor or approved by university is considered infallible?

I’m confused. Who writes our history books?

You just keep shoveling Turd

ah i think i understand, to me to praise means the same as giving credit for; to acknowledge/compliment… your blind faith is probably telling you that nobody else should be allowed to use the word praise unless they talk about your specific god?

i would but i cant find anything about how pink elephants or a tooth fairy were first responsible for december 25? (if you do find something please share)

a free day is always nice (still its nonsense just like celebrating dec 25 and 26)
interesting, i thought celebrating dec 24 was a british thing but according to this site 160 countries celebrate it, including the netherlands?! lol i wonder why i had to work so many years on the 24th if it is a holiday…

edit: nvm although i searched for “how many countries celebrate xmas eve?” it came up with all the countries that celebrate xmas in general not only dec 24

No. I was just wondering why you gave praise to a figment of your imagination.

50% of coin tosses are a waste of time
100% of reggie’s stats are a waste of time

not quite what i was going for but very nice to hear you are showing interest and now you can relate to how i feel as well… what a blessed day! lol

Me either.

Yes, actually. I needed to waste many hours during a flight from Bogotá to Toronto and then on another flight from Toronto to Vancouver. That book served very well to do that.

Don’t be silly. I said nothing about infallibility. You should know me well enough by now to realize I don’t think anything is infallible.

The victors. If you take them as fiction written by victors (which is what they are), they can be fun.

True, but everyone is. I might be more so than most because I’ve read more books than most. Didn’t do me any good. Most were stupid. Wisdom starts to come when one realizes it can’t be found in books.

You are starting to devolve into boring heckling again, Bill. That’s a mistake in my opinion. You might notice people are starting to ignore you.

So the book was no good?

I’m not against fun, Reg. I like fun as much as I like the truth. It’s a pity they go hand in hand.

The book was great. It was fiction. It amused me. It made me think a bit. It gave me some insight into another man’s perspective on where we were going as a society. It confirmed some of my thoughts about how prosperity is destroying us.

Was any of that useful? Not really. It didn’t change my life in any way.

Was reading that book somehow better than any other way to waste time, like watching a movie, surfing Youtube, watching young girls dance on TikTok, listening to some music or masturbating? No, although masturbating on a plane would be frowned upon.

Is it irritating to hear book snobs pretend that it is somehow better to read a book than to do any of those things? Absolutely.

Fiction confirmed to you that prosperity is destroying us and you believe that?

Twitter confirmed to me that if you are going to take the vaccine and you still want children, you should store your sperm, you know, just in case.

Was that any use? Probably not. It won’t change your life and who cares if other men can’t have children after the vaccine.

Michele, confirmation isn’t an absolute proof of truth. It is a confirmation. It means the person confirming agrees with you. I can confirm an appointment tomorrow and still not show up for it. Confirmation is only worth as much as the person confirming.

Can you prove that?

It helps to understand the Bible by reading the lowercase word “angel” as “ninja”.

Do you two want to buy a trash bag full of used tissues?

Where in the Bible do you get that?

“angel” is just a placeholder who cannot actually perform the task. An ANGEL simply cannot be seen performing the task or enabling an “angel” or “ninja” to do so.

I don’t know. What do you think, Reg? Tissue or no? Im thinking no but maybe you could get Mark to pitch in on my part. I also recycle so I have plenty leftover.