
That’s totally fair! I just wanted to see if you would actually say.

So how many holding companies do you have?

Four. Well, three that are only for holdings and one that actually does some stuff. It’s not silly to have several here because the first $500k of income (as opposed to profit) is taxed only at 15% in Canada. We have among the lowest tax rates in the industrialized world, but if you go over that limit in income you pay a higher rate, and it’s easy to distribute money across the companies.

So what does your company do?

Ok so you dump money from one company into a holding company to keep from paying more taxes?

I have two. One helps people get research money. Lots of grants for that here. The other is new and I have big hopes for it but it’s not making money yet. That one helps people build followers on social media.

That’s oversimplifying but that’s the basic idea.

I saw it.

Builds followers according to a persons interests?

Some might call that tax evasion or a Trump/Kushner move.

Yes. If you’re a Trump supporter and you want to be a famous pundit on Twitter, I can make that happen. I have 18 thousand followers myself on Twitter now, and all I post is variants on “Trump is an idiot”. I even have 17 thousand followers on Flickr but I like to think that’s due to people actually liking my photography. Anyway, I know how to make that happen and I am hoping to turn that knowledge into a profitable business.

I personally don’t care about it. Everyone looks for the loophole.


Tell me about growing up.

I saw the photo where you were raised. I’ve seen the church.

What’s to tell? I did it. I grew up. Going to try sleeping now. Nice chatting, or posting, or whatever it was. :slight_smile: Nos vemos pronto.

Nice dodge!

Good night.

I wonder if your business operates like this

my daughter won’t stop screaming and crying in the middle of the night.
i visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help

Have you tried digging her up and permanently burying her.