
lol@all the sentences starting with i, thats very american of you;)

ah yes ostrich tactics! many people try and prefer to live that way and suddenly change and do care when it affects themselves

ok, thats not fair; ostriches dont actually stick their heads in the sand only people do lol

lol it makes more sense to me that if people actually dont care then they wont type that they dont care
so somehow it wouldnt surprise me that you dream about me… (and since you typed all that in the homosexuality topic its probably quite kinky) pleasant dreams… enjoy!:wink:


surely our king will discuss the human rights there and its not about some oil deal…

Oh. If that’s what the Church of England says . . .lol. A nation of wankers?

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The Sodomy Scouts of America are now bankrupt. It is unclear if they will continue operations.

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About time.

Canada plans to ban conversion therapy. I don’t see why. If someone wants to try to stop being gay, I don’t see why anyone should stop them from seeking out that service. We let people seek out and pay for eternal salvation at churches all around the country with equally dubious results.

They just don’t think there is a lot of feeling or life to your body Reggie.

I find myself wondering if HIV/AIDS had first emerged in this new police state world we live in. Would they have quarantined homos? Interesting mental exercise.

It seems Singapore still bans sodomy. I note with interest how well they’re doing.

dont worry, its just a matter of time

I wonder. You’re probably right, of course, but I think it would be interesting if the Singaporeans continued to ban this practice. I actually think it would go quite well for them. Many people who do not approve of this practice would be drawn to them at least partially due to this.

those laws are not really enforced otherwise they would probably not be so successful… kinda like jamaica

Many interesting points here.

  1. Canadians are grotesquely fat.

  2. Many people who support forcing bakers to bake cakes will support the rights of this videographer which makes no sense.

  3. I believe I should be allowed to turn down a gig for any reason whatsoever including race, religion, sexual orientation or gender nonconformity.

  4. All this person had to say was “Sorry, we’re not taking new bookings due to COVID” and nothing would have happened. They were honest so they’re being lambasted. We are incentivizing dishonesty.

what would happen if they were black? would people march on the streets and would their videobusiness be burned down? perhaps next year the popular hype insanity will be about gays and then people will be really outraged about gaybashing and then the following year your fatshaming could be the popular focus?

illusions of change to justify and feel good about oneself
most people only care about themselves which keeps the status quo of inequality alive

Do you need a degree to understand it? Is it possible without one?

Canadian blacks tend not to burn down their own neighbourhoods when they’re mad, at least partly because they don’t generally have their own neighbourhoods and live in the same places as everyone else.

Nobody’s talking about gay bashing. The question is whether someone should have to render service to someone they don’t like, possibly for stupid reasons like whether that person is gay (or fat, for that matter). Given that you believe it should be legal to go up to black children and call them “nigger”, I would be surprised if you felt it should be mandatory to videotape their weddings for them.

denying a service to people only because they are gay equals gay bashing in my book

of course, its their choice to be discriminating and be deceitful and hide it from the public instead of being upfront
(reminds me of you lol)