
ah you dont believe true love can take place between 2 people of the same sex?

MOST of the time and with most self-proclaimed flaming homosexuals, no.

interesting, did you read that somewhere or is there some investigation about this that determinded which of the gay people can truly love?
perhaps the ones that believe in your jesus?

No I didn’t. That just my narrow opinion.

Gotta go. Ciao.

narrowminded indeed… ciao take care :wink:

There’s one example Michele.

In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.

interesting response to my question, do you think this study/ inquiry of 942 people proves something?
oh and are you trying to compare being gay to being molested reg? :wink:

Depends what you mean by compare. I am not saying being gay is as bad as being molested. I am noting a study that compares molestation rates among children and their adult sexuality. I am noting an apparent, direct, possibly causal relationship between being molested and being gay. If this data is correct (and it is published in the US National Library of Medicine), it suggests that:

  1. You are vastly more likely to be gay as an adult if you are molested in youth.

  2. If that is true, then the current conventional wisdom that gays are “born that way” could be incorrect, as it appears you can influence a child’s sexuality later in life by molesting them in youth.

exactly how i thought you would respond :wink:

Yeah, what he said.

Narrow-minded is believing something is that you can’t prove is natural.

uhm i think you are missing a word somewhere in that sentence?

oh no proof necessary at all to have opinions, just usually people do have an idea why they have a certain opinion even if its just a feeling, a guess or blind faith

i should have specified that my narrowminded comment was in reference to not having an idea why you have that opinion :wink:

I really don’t know how much darker it can get after watching this.

Sorry but I am suspicious of anything that comes from that source.

It doesn’t come from that source. That source delivers from other sources, such as Resist the Mainstream.

I watched it. It’s pretty disturbing.

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How nice.

your santa has been gay for a while… get over it! :wink:

I am totally for the homosexuals in this case. Of course the child should get citizenship.