Hold my beer and watch this

You notice a zig-zag pattern on the crumbling building?

You expect me to keep my mouth silent on this discourse, but without words I’ll be making more noise than the both of you.

You know it does. It really does.

Are you bill lowerre?

Not me.

I clearly missed that. Louisiana to Maine? Good to hear from you. Can’t remember if you crushed me in chess. Probably.

in plenty of cities across europe during wwII, entire blocks were destroyed by aerial bombardment, save for that one miraculously left standing
george bush the elder served in aviation in world war two
i wonder if he was in on it

Old man Bush left his copilot trapped in the plane while he bailed out.

Is that true? I had no idea of that. I never liked him.

Of course he denied it. Said the guy was already dead.

Bill, is this just one of those stay away it’s a white thing you handle better on your own?

That’s the reason I think a lot of disappearances are so successful. Self worth appraisal by like.

It’s not like we have the life expectancy of the dark ages or medieval period with the plague running rampant.

You are playing the race card Bill, I did notice. I suppose it’s not my business.

I suppose you like it that way. Just like a soggy cookie in milk or stout. Still holding it together.

Bill and I disagree on whether the government story on 9/11 is credible. Why in the world would you bring race into that, Mark?


I think Bill wasn’t trying to pass a bill, but a travel brochure. Where was it for Bill? Ireland?

What does race have to do with anything?

Anyway, it is obvious Bill is hinting that he still has potential.