
I do not want to justify alcoholism, smoking, or recreational drug use or p.e.d. drug abuse by eating steamed vegetables. Steamed vegetables doesn’t make me good. I’m not saying it makes me bad but I want to break the connection and “yoke” here.

What do you think of Michele’s smoking? Is it a good thing because it hides embarrassing odor and dry out excess moisture in the lungs associated with viruses and kills parasites such as lungworm(which humans can’t catch so she helps animals)?

Steamed vegetables are a performance enhancing drug, Mark. I love them.

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When your body treats them like a carrier and carrier alone that is what they become. It will discard nutritution for the addictive compound.

If eating means meat, and the only meat means cannibalism or infanticide and you fasted and abstained with the help of narcotics, then who is anyone to pass judgement?

But you just keep pressing for the worse possible scenarios and trying so hard to fail so it becomes an automated process for you and you can be lazy and guilt free.

This will kill the coronavirus. It will kill pretty much anything alive. As well as viruses. It will kill you too. Unless you don’t believe in science. Then you could see if you could survive. If used properly it will result in a 100% chance of death.

It does work to get crap out of your car though.

That’s a fascinating device. I didn’t know those existed.

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I haven’t been smoking but thanks for your concern, Weirdo.

Here is our health food today. A banana split and a strawberry sundae.


R U feeding her up to the size I’d like her to be :wink: ? Feeder!

nice, enjoy!

(i see only 1 spoon, thats gross and romantic at the same time lol)

Got dimples?

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My spoon was on my side. Although if either of us has coronavirus, it’s pretty certain we both have it.

That’s just nasty. We have one of these about once a week and then eat almost nothing for the rest of the week.

And let me guess…then Reggie will produce a strong powerful real erection and flex and contract his muscles until he reaches double density.

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Arrggghhh, dangles!
This way it’s going to take You forever. Try harder!
She looks georgeous, but for my taste she should definitively double her weight…

hehehe, You said the e-word!

You will forgive me if I don’t share that idea with her. lol.

This being the last.

is it?

What do you mean by frying? I added water and a small amount of oil. People steam things like mussels in pots on the stove. If the water evaporates and some tomatoes and garlic get burned is it frying? Is it the oil or there just has to be water alone? So I can put a pot of water over coals and vegetables on a barbecue stick and steam over it? Or is that barbecuing? Do I need to buy a aplug in steamer? So no oil added is the issue or just because the food touches a flat metal. I didnt do anything wrong or unhealthy. Your ulcered up guts and torn up espohagus are unhealthy. Please don’t try that stupidity withme again you will regret it. Nothing personal but I don’t tolerate insults like that.

Water can mess things up bad…real bad.