
Notice how the last 3 pictures look like some old black pepper or mushroom chicken from takeout? They are not. No meat there.

If your food looks like that, like it is cooked and set hot to eat but preserved either by some coating like varnish or lacquer, it is because you are late so to speak. It may because you are forcefully living in the past where you might not have been very alive at all. Going through the motions is just that with food prep and eating.

This would have worked a lot better if I had some cream cheese at the time. Cream cheese is just as an important as the powder and those special tubes. You can use it instead of butter or add to the butter or any substitute.

Not eating any dairy, bet every vegetarian mammal starts off with a prolonged diet of milk.

Well you can pretend you didn’t like my smile but I know you recognized for whom it was. I’m glad I was able to make you smile the same way with such satisfaction. It is a trophy to me and it means a lot considering it cost me my soul. It should be a comfort to both of us knowing that I’ll be wearing that smile long after your gone for others to see. Just like the smile you find so repulsive that I’m wearing right now. People can already see it.
We love you Big Moo!

As long as it cost you your soul it’s fine with me.

Hey like the olive oil I cook with and use on my salads etc.? It’s Extra Virgin just like Me.

true enough

My diet is surprisingly working well. I ate 3 meals yesterday all with oil, lots of it. My body doesn’t turn into ice cream slop and I am not trying to make it some crap ice cream that gets urinated away in a toilet to “lose weight, lose weight, you can lose weight having sex, i want you to be happy”.
It isn’t so much about the weight but the body composition and consistency. If that’s what the food I eat does to people on hang ups then so be it. I don’t have to be that way to be happy and I don’t want any “sex” if that is what you would call it by “losing weight” by some very unfulfilling activity.
The long, lean, hungry look isn’t looking to good to me. It is looking like wearing a t-shirt made out of some fat skin and ice cream that can’t even keep its consistency.

I made some lumpia for father’s day. I cooked these in the oven and they came out decent. There is no substitute for immersing in hot oil. They burn well all over, get crispy and don’t split at the wrapper. The oil drains easily off onto a paper towel or plate. I used to buy these like ashed out cigarillos and cigars.
I did fry one in some left over oil and I used old oil that was already flavored in the frying pan but not much of it. I had to use tongs and hold it every which way to get it burned all over. Cooking time was under 3 minutes compared to that oven batch which I cooked well thawed at 400 for 25. Probably would have been better to cook them frozen to keep them from going soft and directly in oil to harden the flour shell. These are chicken and vegetable. Not very burned and you can see the difference. Like I said I prefer these like burnt ash cigarillos and cigars.
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I made those after midnight and left them in the microwave like that. They kept just fine.
Some eggs I cooked on that hot sheet with the left over oil that got flavored. Delicious. I switched the oven from bake to hi broil and these cooked fast on that hot sheet perfectly. Fastest way to cook a sunny side up I have tried.

Air fryer is another option. I tried some handmade ones made with some of synthetic meat that were very delicious. No pics.

Lumpia was my favorite food in the P.I.

Do you mean vegetarian meat like Beyond or nasty processed mystery meat?

Hey loose weight, careful how you shake it.

So a short term to improve digestive function and nutrition extraction seems to be instinctively what I am doing. I am putting on more muscle by the way. But I have learned what works for a diet. Great expectations and acceptations. Maybe you get a chips when you order a meal or chips with a dip somewhere. Most chip bags are just 1 ounce with some heavier chip bags about 2 or even over 2 per individual serving. How much weight will you gain by eating a 2 ounce bag of chips? 2 ounces right?
What’s the immediate problem? If your teeth are all shattered into chips from one bite into a soft sandwich then yes healthwise the meal with “chips” was very costyl. Also if you cannot swallow a chip or a triangular chip begins cutting into your throat and your body responds by reallocating ice cream and unhealthy fat there to keep the throat sealed one triangular chip can cause enormous distress to a person in that condition and the body may respond by storing fat and converting everything to soft fat mass.

So here was a meal I had with chips. I had some hummus and black beans. The black beans were canned and I rinsed the slime off them several times to lessen the toxicity. It is good to vary your bean varieties from time to time so your body does not stop digestion when it senses no change. When it senses no change for some time it starts to shut down and you need less to keep that same mass and fullness. Black beans tend to bleach you out more than others. I’m not saying they are better than other beans at all times but they are better at certain times. Also compared to beans like pinto beans especially refried they do not make you strain and injure yourself by not moving at all in the stomach.
This I was going to eat as a last cheat meal before I started my liquid diet (which I am still phasing in and learning) but it turned out to work very well, This changed my gut chemistry especially the gas. Yes a meal like this will give you terrible gas but it does not smell like fecal air or like somebody is forcing air through old smell fecal matter. It smells like asphalt and overpoweringly so at least that is what it is like for me. It displaces a lot of other cheap smells as you can tell this takes massive amounts of gut work and heat and extraction as well as refining. I really eliminated all at once the next day not over several days with straining. What this did was displace all the other old gas that is trapped in pockets of the intestines. I’m sure you have seen images of the intestine where there are objects and impacted fecal matters in certain bends or folds or pockets. Those help to increase the area to absorb more nutrients but can also cause blockage and impacting. Some people hold a higher percentage of their mass as gas just like Jupiter does in comparison to other planets. You include Jupiter’s gas in its mass, and you know gas can be converted to liquids and solids. So not just adding probiotic cultures to your gut flora but changing out the gas in the gas pockets.
I didn’t have the issues of severe damage and strain you might associate with refried beans etc. and overstraining and just giving up and letting waste fall out whenever. I do recommend eating pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans etc in rotation as all are good.

So this meal helped to deflate me and displace gas pockets in my stomach and remove any poor smells. The gas was terrible and lasted for about 12 hours. The gas was like burning asphalt. It was very filling and I was able to trick a gluttonous spirit with the chips.
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Deflating that way really makes a difference in well being and you can see when see some people have gas even in their face. The problem is this by deflating like that I now had even more stomach capacity and greater hunger and demand especially with the stress loads of my workouts increasing. So I have to slowly work towards a liquid fast and still eat a few solid meals. But I know have better and more adaptive body chemistry and equilibrium. Now to deal with the juice and ice issues. Juices have a lot of drawback and they can cause lots of weight gain or work well for some, but they are addicting and people with orange juice addictions can be worse for me to be around than drug addicts. Also there is the burning I mentioned earlier and the vision issues. What I am trying to do is to gradually adjust the percentage of juice to juice and juices to water. One of these juices is a t 15% the other at 30% I was using 1 to 1 now I doubled the lower percent amount without doing the fractions math for this pour. I did just the opposite for my next dose. I am eliminating water in the mixes now and drinking lots of water after in the same cup with the residual trace juices and fruit.
About the fruit. I am using it as a substitute for ice. Ice can deliver things easy into the bloodstream but also distress the body and make it ice dependent like it is a milkshake or frozen yogurt. Sometimes it even feels like the body is holding on to a ice popsicle making the flesh very soft and wet and cold. So this tricks the body. It is not sweet so no massive sugar/flavor/cold triple spike that may be causing the damage. And it is not so hard or cold as ice causing the shock started at the teeth. Actually this papaya smells metallic and bit like phlegm. It is tough and fibrous but as it thaws it comes off in small amounts like green phlegm. You can do your own research about phlegm but this is healthier to me. It can easily get through a mucous layer especially one that has turned green from spent enzyme activity. It doesn’t trigger wheezing or airway seizing. Just keep filling it up with water and dinking that dilute solution. It passes more easily as natural body fluid and can be replicated. Smells metallic. Also note those bubbles, those are not from my saliva those are from the fruit. It feels softer to breath and the air does not cut deep into the sinuses.
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These are great. I remember somebody recommending them to me and making a mention about the smell of the cans in comparison. I never brought a can of tuna around the guy and I never mentioned how bad it would smell up my apartment and hallway when I throw the can out despite repeated rinses.
I have not tired the spam yet but these make some very good sandwiches and salads. You can even just spread mayo on the bread and not mix them. But I am avoiding breads. I want to shrink my stomach capacity down. So I am eating foods that compress and disintegrate easily and don’t lodge and soak up and expand too much.
I used the ranch package with no additions on those leaves.
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There is also a snack pack mini can sold with crackers and small spoon. I want to avoid the can because for some reason I get a headache when I open and eat from a can. It is like I bit the can by just opening it with the pull tab. Thus the meal is costly like bridge work or “eating with chips”.
No can = No damage. Or at least it should be in theory.

Mark, you have gas because you eat crap. If you are eating correctly, you should almost never fart or burp. I can’t remember the last time I did either of those gross things.

It is diffusing through you then, as you have the normal pathways closed and sealed up. You’re leg might blow up.