
Kosher and strict.

Was that Parmesan cheese on cheddar? That’s a lot of heavy looking food.

Yes, which leads to heavy looking people. Everyone should feel hunger every day. It’s healthy. It’s how the system works. It’s how we know when to eat.

Yeah, it was enough to make me want to fast today.

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Will that mean no defecation on your part?

Yes it truly is. It’s nothing to you I’m sure as it takes nothing to do, but it is just disgusting what flows into your mouth.

Stop seeing the future when you look at food.

Boiled beef is super healthy if you can avoid oversalting it. And trust me it is tempting when you really have something you can appreciate salt with. Next time you see neck bones on sale I suggest stocking up and maybe throwing in an onion, a carrot, and some cabbage. Also save the soup mix. You need to boil it for hours and I mean several hours in low heat. If you are worried about fat let it all magically gel and then remove the white fat from the top.

This is the fat people fear will clog their hearts but that’s at cold temperature. A hot body with digestive enzymes etc will easily eliminate it. I actually had a lot of just soup from boiling beef without putting it in fridge to harden the fat and remove it. Smoothest and easiest trip to the bathroom in a long time without the smell of excessive plant matter. Mucous glands and lining seemed to be recharged well so practically self cleaning with the mucous layer.

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This worked after a few days without the burning acids of some other fruit juices.
My health is breaking free

omg disgusting.

his food always disgusting

True but that’s a horror movie right there today.


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He must have had a longing for prison food.

No comments about boiling time. It doesn’t take several hours like I mentioned but it can withstan being on very low heat for for extended time and if you do boil more than 2 hours or even 1 at a more furious boil then the small bones annoying fall into everything and the meat breaks down into very small bits and fibers.

Mark, I try to look at food like medicine. If I ate what you’re serving, I would probably vomit because your most recent photos looks like a round of chemo, after you shit and took a picture of it.

Sorry it looks that way to you. But you can’t #2 on my food. It just puzzles me why you keep trying.

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Here come the big boys. Only one way to do these for me today. Incinerate them.

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