
So are all countries. Money and power rules. Not morals.

You should like the AfD, Nico.

interesting and quite similar to the latinos for trump…
nobody should like fascist parties

It isn‘t a fascist party. I just heard this morning on the car radio (Bayern 1, a public radio channel), that Scholz showed understanding for left wing vandalism after Merz possible acceptance of passing a law with the votes of the AfD. Seems, the SPD is a fascist party.

it is, just like trumps party and just like hitlers party the nsdap

most people are taught about ww2 and the holocaust but dont know that the nsdap didnt take over germany by force, they were elected

the germans voted for them because they reinforced peoples frustrations and fears and promised them that all their problems would be solved if they just remigrate the jewish people; they are taking your jobs and are criminals and freeloaders…

the afd and trump are doing the exact same thing but now its immigrants instead of jews

may the germans be smarter than the americans…

Your simplifying is nothing else but plain left propaganda. Jews weren‘t the only or main reason people voted for Hitler.

Excerpt from below linked article:
„ People of both right and moderate-left wing politics joined because they agreed with at least one of their policies:

  • an aim to abolish the “unfair punishment” of the Treaty of Versailles was popular with many Germans
  • promises of better pensions and increased employment appealed to the common man and many traditional socialists
  • opposition to communism led many landowners and businessmen to support the Nazis – they were seen as the only credible right-wing alternative to the left-wing parties.
  • belief in the supremacy of the German race appealed to nationalists.
  • paramilitary groups reminded people of the comradeship they shared as soldiers during World War One
  • the promise to re-militarise Germany would bring in huge industrial contracts – bringing support from many industrialists
  • Hitler’s hatred of Jews struck a chord with many people - they were a convenient scapegoat for all Germany’s problems.“

The appeal of the Nazis - Why the Nazis achieved power - Higher History Revision - BBC Bitesize.

But your post let me find this interesting article about the similarities between Jews voting for Hitler and for Trump. I didn‘t know that there were especially a group of rich Jews voting for Hitler.

sure there are always many reasons, i just listed the main reason, most important was to share how fascist parties lure in people like you

Muslim immigration is going so well.

guess it is if you are insane and recognise he did the same thing as that afd supporter did at that xmas market but at least nobody died this time

interesting timing with security conference there and german elections soon…

Don‘t worry, Nico. We got so brainwashed with our Nazi guilt, Germans (with and without migrant background) will keep closing their eyes and ears from reason and facts, and rather let all „asylum“-seekers in, which evolved such a Momentum of speed due to the alleged horror they fled from, that they only manage to push the breaks when they arrive at the German border to apply for asylum instead in the first EU country they arrive. Due to Schengen, it doesn’t matter anyway, as most of them will be able to migrate to Germany eventually. The Left party demands in its election agenda even to add poverty as another reason for asylum, lol.

Over 60 %, in some German states even over 70 % of welfare recipients are Germans with migrant background. Again I am pretty sure their numbers are actually higher due to the counting measures.

Germany really needs to get down. Maybe only then change will happen.

may reason and facts indeed prevail over blind hate and trying to blame everything on immigrants

am pretty sure over 70% of afd voters believe that due to iq poisoning but i think the numbers are actually 100% since we all have a migrant background :wink:

Nobody’s blaming everything on immigrants. I, personally, am blaming one immigrant for this attack. I’m also noting that Muslim immigration has not gone well overall for Europe.

lol yes ofcourse mentioning this 1 attack in the same post was just a coincidence…

Not a coincidence at all. The sum of these attacks is relevant data.

yes indeed… some might even call it “anomalies”, thats how often those attacks happen compared to all the traffic injuries and deaths…

Yes, they are rare compared to traffic accidents, but many have died, and almost all that death is from Muslims. To ignore that fact is stupid.

ChatGPT: Between 2013 and 2023, the European Union experienced a total of 152 terrorist attacks attributed to jihadist groups. This figure represents approximately 20% of all terrorist incidents in the EU during that period. However, these jihadist attacks were responsible for a disproportionately high number of fatalities, accounting for 95% of deaths resulting from terrorism in the EU.

nobody is ignoring it lol but trying to blow up rare things into a major thing isnt very smart
if you firmly like to state that those rare deaths happened because of “muslims” you also need to recognise the fact that the far majority of deaths happen because of christians, atheists, buddhists, jews etc lol

Sure, but non-Christians are overrepresented in crime statistics.

ChatGPT again: In Germany, about 6.6% of the population has a migration background from Muslim-majority countries. In 2023, non-German nationals made up 41.1% of crime suspects, and in 2018, immigrants—who account for about 2% of the population—were suspects in 14.3% of crimes against life, including homicide. This data suggests that immigrants, including those from Muslim-majority countries, are overrepresented in violent crimes.

they could be, but to base that on “crime suspects” data?! lol
that reminds me of that trump press conference puppet waving her screenshot papers, yelling she has the proof of fraud!

such data on “suspects” could just suggest that a lot more “native germans” called the police to report their 'favourite" neighbour…

I don‘t blame a single immigrant for choosing a country which has the most liberal immigration policy and pays the highest welfare incl. free healthcare for welfare recipients. I blame the politicians incl. their blind and deaf voters. That‘s why I vote the AfD.

I can‘t speak for other AfD voters, but if their main reason for voting AfD (like it is for me) is the immigration policy, then I am glad they recognize that our immigration policy went wrong. We need to get rid of the individual right for asylum and a quota. We need educated immigrants and we need more children to end this path onto suicide.