
I have actually wondered if this new world we are creating will start having fashionable face masks. Maybe the bloody Muslims will finally look chic.

EDIT from Google:

face panties

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I guess one benefit is people talk less in public.

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LOL. I haven’t seen a barber nor a hairdresser in months and likely won’t until the mask requirement drops entirely. I am looking more similar to a Yeti right now than to the well dressed, fashy nationalist of DW’s “stereotype images” propaganda repository



Is that the car you’re going to steal?

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Mercedes is the name and pussy magnet is the game

Are you getting any these days?

I don’t know what’s going on.
I am top notch, perfect style, good health, intelligent, sophisticated, potent, unvaxxed, fertile, good smelling, eloquent, goat-friendly, open for all kinds of edgy stuff.
Yet still, nothing on the hook.
Must be my imposibly high standard I apply when it comes to women…

Maybe it’a your self image.

I’m glad you posted a photo. I don’t understand this beard-with-no-moustache thing the young people are doing but whatever. You are less obese than I had thought. I have always wanted to see Untertürkheim btw. Home of Mercedes-Benz.

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hrrrrm, hrrrm …A.B.S… AI BEEE ESSSS!!! - you just boosted my self-esteem levels above 5000. Yet still, I ask myself “where are those women-folks yearning for me, craving desperately to get in touch with me and the female waiting-line patiently taking a ticket each just to have a glimpse on this aryan masterpiece of Dannyboy-body”!!!

I humbly ask for fair-use and not to pass it on to some George Soros-induced, Bill Gates-enforced “vaccine and anti-conspiracy-theories” A.I. pseudo-government agency to track me.

I hardly grow any moustache. Nor did my father. But banned drunk-stream Youtuber “Adlersson” does though!

I am curious. Given that you look like the guy on the left, why would you post this obese photo on the right? You’re looking good, though. You should lose a few kilos and get a haircut but that’s true for 90% of people in the world right now including me.


I don’t plan to send it to the NSA but any photos posted on the internet are effectively public forever.

So you don’t shave your moustache? It just doesn’t grow there? Unusual facial hair.

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Even in tis’dark quarantine,
forever though shalt not forget,
locked-down in Fritzl’s cellar time
so moldy and yes oh-so wet,-
Germans!!! get it in your head!
'till Reggie knows this phrase by heart,



Bad-ass Haiku, huh. White nationalists can rhyme!

I can’t complain. I also hardly have any chest-hair, neck-hair or armpit hair again like some of my family. I am a superior breed I suppose…may be thats why I am attracted to southern European girls with thick natural bushes, you know, “down there”. At least unshaved I like them woman-folks

huh, I don’t even see any difference. Maybe the distorted face on the right lets me look chubbier.

You have a huge double-chin on the right.

Gee, I wonder if anyone here could beat facial recognition software.

That’s the element. Not emotional water. Dry cruel exhausting blistering heat.

  • First step is to prove, he can recite the important poem called


By heart, of course. All 7 lines.
…then we shall procede to migratory integrational step two.