
lol she is albino white!

@Bavarian police officer: Well done!

i understand this cop’s reasoning, but its not his job to try and make them feel guilty

also, if taking a picture is illegal and deserves a fine then inviting them to come up close to take a picture makes him an accomplice and a fool…

You really think his invitation was meant serious? This explains so much. :laughing:

of course, germans are always serious! :wink:

Oh, he was bloody serious. To make these gawkers realize what they actually do. And it worked well.

:laughing: about comments some viewers made.

Sharmahd was accused of leading a US-based Iranian opposition group and planning a 2008 Mosque attack in Shiraz, killing 14 people and wounding more than 200 others but nobody really knows since he’s dead.

Good for them shutting down the consulates. Here in Canada the Iraninan govt targets their
diaspora and the full patch Hell’s Angel Damion Ryan was arrested and charged in America for allegedly taking $300k for killing Iranian dissidents in America. 60 Minutes did a show on that but Damion Ryan was not mentioned in it. Mr Ryan has lived in BC and most recently Ont. Sonny Barger the career criminal and former American soldier who once volunteered to take his whole Oakland chapter to Iran to fight Khomeini who was one of the founders of HAMC would have been appalled.

Economic abyss. Those are harsh words. Your government must be scum, Gunda. What’s going on in Germany?

I totally side with Alice Weidel. The fall of my government is a liberation and a new hope. I didn‘t elect it btw. And if the CDU/CSU will keep on to be stubborn, we will face another bad government. And I bet that‘s exactly what is going to happen.

The AfD will be happy to read this. lol.

Skilled workers. No the nonqualified ones we mostly attract. Barely none of them are willing to work where they are needed. The AfD is very aware of that.

Germany can’t get skilled workers. Nobody in Europe can. The Chinese have stopped emigrating and Europe is not an attractive destination for Indians. That said, Canada is locking down immigration so it’s possible some of them will head your way.

lmao oh really? what do you consider to be skilled workers?

We don‘t need foreign workers, skilled or not. What we really need is our own people getting more children.

Good luck with that. Your women love Muslims and your men love each other up the rear.

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Who is buying German cars nowadays? Europeans?

They don’t seem to sell here. Hybrids do well here. That’s probably why.

VW is in trouble everywhere including here. They’ve gone from a 2 year waiting list to huge discounts on their electrics. Even I probably wouldn’t buy another VW.

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I don‘t mind if women marry a Muslim, Christian or an Atheist. You find idiots in all of them. The main problem is, that we don‘t defend our values. For this all religious institutions need to be shut down, if they preach anything which is agains those key values like equal rights. Then we wouldn‘t have the need to spend millions of money each year only to surveillance of dangerous people.

And regarding your hate problem: Homosexuality is not a Lifestyle. You are born with this sexual prevalence. Idiot.