
lol i was referring to other countries that are in the eu

The core problem is the right to individual asylum. The EU countries donā€™t even abide by their laws regarding the Dublin treaty. If the EU falls apart by this (which I donā€™t hope), then it has no worth to keep it alive.

agreed, while i dont think its likely to happen it all depends on how strict and for how long these border controls are allowed to / will last and if / which other countries will follow this exampleā€¦ could cost many people and companies a lot of money, so it has the possibility to get quite messy real quick

speaking of things that could become messy real quickā€¦ netherlands vs germany later tonight, you should watch it gunda

i saw our last game vs bosnia, in the end we easily won but i saw the blunders we made; half our football team is too old and the rest is too young / inexperienced and no fight in themā€¦ this could easily become a dramatic 0-5 lol but then again playing vs germany usually gives us some extra passion so it might not get that bad lol we will see :wink:

The battle of the two most perverted countries in Europe. :slight_smile:

Ohā€¦my bad. I shouldnā€™t have replied since I canā€™t speak for any other country but I hope they do the same.

2-2! we did better than i expected :wink:

yes the number of people that are religious in both countries is indeed still way too high, but thats just a matter of time :wink:

I still felt a bond for my country the last World Championship in Brazil. Since then, the migration or rather the german politic and its media made me feel not being a part of this country anymore. This process began already earlier, but I realized it only later. I hope they are going to lose.

Says the guy who attended brothels and swinger clubs and cried about a stripper who didnt give a blowjob for free, lol. Who thinks of women being subordinant and equalizes wives with prostitutes and cleaning ladies. But countries which finally grants also non-heterosexual people the right to marry and to take over legal responsibility for each other are perverted. What a hypocrite you are.

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lol. Name me another country that commemorates sex workers. lol.

And the Dutch Olympic Team included a convicted child rapist. lol.