German music

A song about flying a motorized plane all alone, as he did for quite some time. But due to his magical poetry, also someone who even never flew as a passenger, can understand the fascination and entchantment which comes with it.

the shame of your fathers

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This being said by an US-American bears some irony.

Nice song, especially the lyrics. Didn‘t know it.

lol interesting, iam pretty sure it was you that introduced it to me many years ago;)

Seriously?:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Well could be, as I love the lyrics. But due to the not catchy melody I probably didn‘t listen to it again back then and forgot about it, lol.

lol yes you didnt like it back then either


Apropos beautiful lyrics. This reminded me on a very old song called „Löwenzahnbild“ by Rainer BĂ€rensprung Band. Actually, if I remember it correctly, it rather was talking than singing. Can’t remember where I did hear it, as I never bought the LP nor is the song available on the net. It must have been about 35 years minimum, since I heard it the last time. Maybe it was worse than I remember, though, lol. But in my memory, I was deeply moved.

And I found a very fine piece by a different artist. Some people need to pray to some imaginary God to find and feel peace. I only need to listen to any of my favourite songs by Reinhard Mey. This here is one of them.

yes it could be much worse than you remember and best to stay a precious memory or not

we all have our vices and tools, but i think nobody can bring you the peace you really want and need except you and your own brain :wink:

You have your imaginary god, I have our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I am still an Atheist the last time I checked it.
Yup. My way just means no harm to myself as well as others, contrary to the vices and tools the rest of the people on this board have. :vulcan_salute:

ah nice, you finally have decided to become a pacifist? :wink:

Jah. Must be your superior aryan genes, jah?

Not even an Aryan is needed for being superior over you.

No, but I like the Pacific if that helps.:ocean:

lol not quite the same
 but i guess a very deep location is handy for all your victims;)