Finally understandable to me: LEFT wing people

You don’t get what a ragtag outfit they are. Gretchen told Harold clearly many years ago that she would never move to the Pacific Northwest but would keep doing book reviews if he wanted. Harold was so desperate to have voices other than his own on the show that he agreed.

Well, what should I say besides, stay on course in times of trouble and despair and zero visibility until you find some revolutionary revelation.
Not only for the NW front but as a general rule.
Without a common faith based on scripture which is on top of everything else, they’d be lost anyways in my opinion. At least that is what I tell right-wingers of the Pegida-type when I meet with them over here.

unalterable, of course

So why are you in such turmoil then? Just “stay on course in times of trouble and despair and zero visibility until you find some revolutionary revelation”, no?

I might be in turmoil, but others around me are in much MUCH more turmoil even though it doesn’t seem because my whole lifestyle is unstable. But it is quite constant and predictable in its instability and austerity, which is quite nice! Love it.

Then what were you talking about earlier and also the other day. It sounded like you had great problems.

It’s crazy. Yes, there were and are problems occurring, but most of them dissolve in nothing unexpectedly. Just gone. People accuse me and denounce and then disappear or withdraw. I can’t even keep track with everything anymore. Sometimes I just let go.

Yes, I understand that. I am not in close touch with my family in Vancouver. I just withdrew and don’t contact any of them anymore. It became clear to me that their role in my life was a total negative for me and I just wanted no part of them anymore. It’s best not to look for happiness in others.

Edited to add: Except women! A man should have a woman. It is not natural otherwise.

Sometimes it is a blessing to be able to forget or let go or better both.

First rescue yourself before you help others. True. You learn that on every plane-ride…

I will be away again. Let’s find even more peace!

See you bbaders and Reg

So, you are saying that whatever way you chose, one shouldn’t forget to “take a woman with you” or “ensure to stay able to find one”?

Am I right that you wouldn’t ever opt to become a catholic monk or likewise, even if the castle and the group was super bad-ass?

Find one and let life unfold for you both together.

You are right.

What do you mean by this? I don’t believe I seek happiness in others.

Do you have any special requisitions for such a woman besides having the same taste for food? Should she be able to bear children? Should she be able to understand the new world order and the bible? Should she have the same mind/god? Should she be ready to go to the same place you go, even if it meant a total withdrawal/recall, or would you try to chose one after you found the right place, meaning later or likely much later or probably never?

I afeared that answer.

Well, like in an airplane when the oxygen masks drop: first you ensure, your needs are met, then you help others. Otherwise both of you likely die.

Interesting question, and one I have given much thought to over the years.

  1. having the same taste for food
    This is actually quite important. It’s tough to enjoy time together if you hate what you’re eating.

  2. Should she be able to bear children?
    If that’s important to you then yes, but the world is going in a different direction. There are so few children left in the western world, and I’m honestly not sure I’d want to raise one in this sick world.

  3. Should she be able to understand the new world order and the bible? Should she have the same mind/god?
    For me, these points are irrelevant. Respect her beliefs and get on with your life.

  4. Should she be ready to go to the same place you go, even if it meant a total withdrawal/recall, or would you chose one when you found the right place?
    This is your best question. For me, this is a deal breaker. If she won’t move with me, she should never live with me.

“In the course of a long life a wise man will be prepared to abandon his baggage several times.” ~Old Chinese adage. (This goes for wise women, too. ~Reg)

Thanks. That might be helpful.
I am going to bed now.
Good night!
Have peace.

Good night. Y paz.

If you were able to find a place apart from “the world” and you had to chose between

  • the risk of not (being able to) finding a woman there (e.g. due to strict marriage rules)
  • convincing a woman “of the western world” to go there

what would you chose?

Trying to convince a western woman to go there would be stupid. Even if you could convince her to go (which is quite possible), it approaches certainty that she would not stay once there. She would miss home within a few months and leave within six.

Your only hope is to find one there.

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I am trying to find the “3rd way”:

  • “chasing the unicorn”
  • “hunting the dragon”

–> finding a woman while searching the way. A woman on the way to the same destination, even if it means to go on “weird ways”…

Let’s play catching the dragon, Reg.

Well, good luck with that. As I said, catching the dragon is the easy part. Keeping the dragon is the hard part. Most women seek comfort, stability and family.