
as i said maybe you should support the afd or have bought a tesla to support elon or bought some russian tank from putin… its basically the same thing

ps: erdogan, putin and trump support all those points as well

You need a man and a woman to produce a child. What’s wrong to view and foster this natural combination as the traditional family and set financial incentives to enable couples to have more children for that no mass immigration is needed?

by itself its great… when your purpose is to get rid of migrants, its inhumane

I’ve already told you that I don’t support the AfD and I told you why. (Link)

My question to you, Nico, is simple: what in that ChatGPT write-up do you disagree with?

Not to get rid of but not needing more migrants. Especially not in masses.

Gene pool here insufficient.

Euro Ice cream melting down again. Keeps looking cheaper and more like #2 every time. Microwave and freeze, microwave and freeze.

uhm no you didnt exactly say why

people wanting for themselves a “traditional” family or “traditional” gender roles is great, when they want to enforce that on everyone thats not so good…

pandora’s box was opened; there is no going back; a family is no longer just a man+woman+child+dog and genders are no longer only binary

Yes I did. Germany is facing a choice: accept change or wait to die. The AfD chooses to wait to die. I support accepting change and trying to make it positive. That is why I don’t support the AfD. We have a clear difference in vision.

All true, but I’m not convinced this is good. We are unhappier than ever.

Happiness levels in 1950 were generally higher than today in many Western countries. Surveys from that era suggest people reported greater life satisfaction, with strong social bonds, stable family structures, and a sense of optimism following World War II. Economic growth, job security, and community engagement contributed to this. However, life in 1950 also had challenges, including social inequalities, stricter societal norms, and limited personal freedoms for many groups. Compared to today, people may have felt more content with simpler lifestyles and clearer life paths, while modern society, despite greater personal freedom and technological advancements, experiences more anxiety, social isolation, and existential uncertainty.

Happiness is very relative and depends heavily on the differences within a society. I bet a country where most have less money than a country where the income difference is significantly big, scores better on the happy diagram.

ofcourse its good, progress just comes with a cost/responsibility; the more educated people are and the more luxury is available, the lazier and more selfish they can become and the more they demand… especially if they see or think others have it better or think they are to blame for them not getting what they want

Yes, life appears having been way more simple a few decades ago. And everything was slower. Now technic evolves so fast, you barely keep up if you aren’t a techi. A train and bus ticket was so easy to obtain before everything went online. Groceries too. Also, the more homogenious a society in every criteria is like income, status, cultural identity (incl. religion or the absent of it), the higher the happyness.