Favorite TV Shows

Many muscles don‘t necessarily mean more fitness. But the intensive training towards a six pack (and unfortunately also beyond) since the end of season 3 due to a bet he lost with his Italian fitness trainer, lead to the loss of his lean face and body. He isn‘t elegant anymore, even his walking changed. He became way broader shoulders and thick arms. On a scale from 1 to 10 he was a 20 before he started this immense body lifting regiment. Now he is „only“ a 10. He was even more sexier in Rush, as he not just was still lean, but also had a different and more sexy hair cut.

Don‘t have year references, but the first pic seems to be from season 2 of Lucifer, the second one either during season 5 or 6.

He looks horrible to me, but as I am hetero that doesn’t matter to any of us, including me.

Are you sure?

Very. On all points. In the first photo, he looks like an irritating pretentious Brit, which is appropriate as I assume that’s what he is. In the second, he looks like a steroid monkey. If you think he looks great, that’s wonderful. I seriously don’t begrudge you whatever enjoyment you get looking at him. I think he looks terrible in both photos.

And I’m sure he doesn’t care at all. And I’m sure you don’t care. And I’m certain I don’t care.

Lol I was joking, but yes, no one cares except him and his wife. As it should be. If this looks makes him happy and his body lifting hobby helps him focus on himself and his family instead of going astray again due to too much unstructured time, then all is fine.

I watched quite a lot 3rd Rock from the sun clips the last two days. I had a wonderful time. I totally forgot about this sitcom. It‘s the funniest sitcom I ever watched. 4 highly intelligent aliens in the body of humans, who have problems to cope with emotions and customs of us earthlings.

Trivia: I didn‘t know that the dumb student in his class (he worked as a physic professor at a university) was played by his own real son, lol.

John Lithgow playing the High Commander was my favourite. It‘s so entertaining how he can get fascinated by the simple things. Like a tissue box. :rofl:

Or this, how to proper greet and approach someone romantically, lol. Or rather how not too, lol.

I did talk about Tom Ellis with my female neighbour (she’s 28 years old) and my female landlord (3 years younger than me). We all find Tom Ellis very sexy. So it‘s not just my taste. I haven‘t asked them if they prefer him more before or after his transition, though.

Ah, the first scene of that series (pilot) is such an iconic and funny one, lol. A pity that music didn‘t make it as the theme of that series, though. I think I read it was too expensive.

It was also very nice that the corrupt police officer had another encounter with Luci in the final season, lol.

Borg Queen gives a location and date. Los Angeles, 2024.


The character of the „original“ Charlotte Richards (hence without being dead and her body used by the Goddess of Creation, Lucis Mum ;). Not really on the good side of humanity and only willing to change after landing in Hell after her first death. Desperately trying to get into heaven next time. She is still a bad ass, lol.

Luci to Chloe in a huff: “Well, I did go to hell and back for you twice, but who’s counting?” :joy: :rofl:


I wonder how it is to watch the German version, now that I listened to their original voices. Will test that later.

Why are you still in WWII Germany Gunda? Do we need a WWIII for you to unstuck yourself?

It’s the voices. She can’t stop hearing them.

I didn’t remember that William Shattner had a role in that series.

This is the utmost hilarious scene, rofl. Harry, the dumb alien who is used as their communicating tool between the three intelligent aliens and their boss, the Big Giant Head, played by William Shattner, accidentally got hypnotized.

:joy: :rofl: :rofl:

To balance the movie I just watched, I better watch the nicest male character ever on tv before falling asleep. Albtraum prevention. At least he is trying hard to become one, lol. Good night.

nitey nite, dont let your mind wonder and think of luci as an arab looking transgender or you might not wake up with a smile on your face :wink:

Oh, my next older brother and my father (when young) look similar to Tom Ellis - or Arabs as you prefer to say. Black haired, brown eyes, over 190 cm too in height. I always preferred the lean and darker types in males. :wink: