That Malcom character is such a role model for an Albtraum. Thankfully I don‘t dream such stuff. To be fair, it was Lucifer’s brother Amenadiel who has to be blamed for most of it.
I love that one part of his vow in the wedding, that he will always remind their children to never stop galopping, lol.
What I didn‘t understand is that Miranda Hart was replacing that homosexual waiter Craig with a couple. Craig served so many fun stuff, also because of his funny dialect. The couple never was that good for a laughter as Craig was. I loved that he got and accepted the invitation years later for the 10th anniversary of the tv series ending, though.
I liked so far. Only watched 3/15. Same creator as love, death and robots.
Mark will probably like it. They are based off video games, which I don’t play but it doesn’t matter.
yes, looks like this is probably more for silky and not something i will enjoy but then again it might be fun to hear schwarzenegger yell at keanu reeves lol
The Schwarzenegger episode was pretty funny. They are all set. Don’t think I’ve seen keanu yet.
and yet… aelstrom lives! lol
Lol. They are either getting worse or 3/day is the max.
yes i think i watched 8 or 9, and while i could appreciate the nice graphics of some episodes, that was the only one i enjoyed so far
I liked the first 3. I think I’ve watched 9, maybe.