Jana Gana Mana, the Indian National Anthem by an all female cast.
Also some other version that’s magic.
Jana Gana Mana, the Indian National Anthem by an all female cast.
Also some other version that’s magic.
Also this amazing gospel version of the Danish national anthem.
Favorite doesn’t really apply. This is bloody awful. Still, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Chinese national anthem before. Hopefully I won’t hear it again soon.
Got here accidentally. Sounds like a trump anthem.
I wrote “Brilliant” on this and she clicked “love” on my comment so I’m posting her vid here. lol.
definitely not what i would expect from country
poppy, frivolous nonsense and it even has some opera, disco and dubstep in it lol
oh well they seem to be having a good time, yup i like it lol
The Amenians are a proud people. Lots of honour, patriotism and other such chest-thumping in their society. They just lost a war with Azerbaijan which was soul-destroying for a lot of them. It was an interesting war, won almost entirely by Turkish predator drones. Anyway, here’s hoping the Armenians eventually understand that it’s just land, borders are silly, and it really doesn’t matter what label we put on the map in that area in the long run. Until then, I enjoy their militaristic folk music.
Also the Dutch national anthem. I can’t honestly call it the Godless Dutch anthem after listening to this, easily the most religious anthem I’ve ever heard. I will post English lyrics below the video.
1. William of Nassau, scion
Of an old Germanic line,
I dedicate undying
Faith to this land of mine.
A prince I am, undaunted,
Of Orange, ever free,
To the king of Spain I’ve granted
A lifelong loyalty.
2. I’ve ever tried to live in
The fear of God’s command
And therefore I’ve been driven
From people, home, and land,
But God, I trust, will rate me
His willing instrument
And one day reinstate me
Into my government.
3. Let no despair betray you,
My subjects true and good.
The Lord will surely stay you
Though now you are pursued.
He who would live devoutly
Must pray God day and night
To throw His power about me
As champion of your right.
4. Life and my all for others
I sacrificed, for you!
And my illustrious brothers
Proved their devotion too.
Count Adolf, more’s the pity,
Fell in the Frisian fray,
And in the eternal city
Awaits the judgement day.
5. I, nobly born, descended
From an imperial stock.
An empire’s prince, defended
(Braving the battle’s shock
Heroically and fearless
As pious Christian ought)
With my life’s blood the peerless
Gospel of God our Lord.
6. A shield and my reliance,
O God, Thou ever wert.
I’ll trust unto Thy guidance.
O leave me not ungirt.
That I may stay a pious.
Servant of Thine for aye
And drive the plagues that try us
And tyranny away.
7. My God, I pray thee, save me
From all who do pursue
And threaten to enslave me,
Thy trusted servant true.
O Father, do not sanction
Their wicked, foul design,
Don’t let them wash their hands in
This guiltless blood of mine.
8. O David, thou soughtest shelter
From King Saul’s tyranny.
Even so I fled this welter
And many a lord with me.
But God the Lord did save him
From exile and its hell
And, in His mercy, gave him
A realm in Israel.
9. Fear not ‘t will rain sans ceasing
The clouds are bound to part.
I bide that sight so pleasing
Unto my princely heart,
Which is that I with honour
Encounter death in war
And meet in heaven my Donor
His faithful warrior.
10. Nothing so moves my pity
As seeing through these lands
Field, village, town and city
Pillaged by roving hands.
O that the Spaniards rape thee
My Netherlands so sweet
The thought of that does grip me
Causing my heart to bleed.
11. Astride on steed of mettle
I’ve waited with my host
The tyrant’s call to battle
Who durst not do his boast
For, near Maastricht ensconced,
He feared the force I wield
My horsemen saw one bounce it
Bravely across the field.
12. Surely if God had willed it,
When that fierce tempest blew,
My power would have stilled it
Or turned its blast from you.
But He who dwells in heaven,
Whence all our blessings flow,
For which aye praise be given,
Did not desire it so.
13. Steadfast my heart remaineth
In my adversity
My princely courage straineth
All nerves to live and be.
I’ve prayed the Lord my Master
With fervid heart and tense
To save me from disaster
And prove my innocence.
14. Alas! my flock. To sever
Is hard on us. Farewell.
Your Shepherd wakes, wherever
Dispersed you may dwell.
Pray God that He may ease you.
His gospel be your cure.
Walk in the steps of Jesus
This life will not endure.
15. Unto the Lord His power
I do confession make
That ne’er at any hour
Ill of the king I spake.
But unto God, the greatest
Of Majesties I owe
Obedience first and latest
For Justice wills it so.
urgh am sure my turkish friends will enjoy the first song you shared and at least i didnt have to start and listen to the familiar but terrible crap of that 2nd awful clip lol
Drones? There are investigations on both side s of violating humanitarian law by reckless use of explosives in civilian populations. Also heavy use of unguided artillery and MLRS.
Was that the same female singing also holding that rather large rifle? How do you align the head with the eye piece without being turned totally sideways to grip the fore-end with that arm length? Even more so puzzling is how the other arm could reach the trigger with the butt of the stock in place.
Maybe I have too much shoulder and chest mass. But try it yourself with a 2x4
I thought Turkey would sell them the 6 attack helicopters the Philippines were set to buy, until the Philippines went with the US models at the last minute. I think the deal is still in the table to make budget.
I think those drones would be useless in places like magnetic hill.
That may be true. I am not familiar with that deal. In the Azeri-Armenia war, the Armenians had no answer to the drone attacks of the Azeris. The troops would assemble at their lines and the Azeris would simply launch drone attacks killing Armenians and destroying their equipment while incurring no losses of their own. The Armenians had no answer and (correctly) surrendered. Their people are proud, however, and did not understand or accept their government’s capitulation.
Maybe soldiers in Asian armies are much smaller. But even with m16 variants that are smaller than standard and much smaller than that long rifle they still hold the weapon with the stock on the outside of the arm firing the weapon.
It would require literally twice the arm length and twice the chest width to fire weapons that size and power.
obama speaks to teenagers
Obama called inaugurations “a reminder that we can have fierce disagreements and yet recognize each other’s common humanity, and that, as Americans, we have more in common than what separates us.”
they will turn on each other
after they kill you
hang mike pence
i mean ask
ask mike pence