Favorite Music Videos

Heard this song the first time last night, when driving back from feeding stray cats at a little boat harbour, while my landlord was having dinner with the mayor of Regensburg, who opposes to introduce mandatory castration for cats. Despite the animal shelter is full all the time and does not have the personal to catch stray cats in order to neuter them. So many cats and babies have to suffer and to die terribly because of this ignorance. But they suffer and die silently and unseen to public. My landlords wife is pro neutering and animal protection (I guess so is her hubby), but her hubby - despite having enough money, will inherit millions and has a very good and high job in the school system, wants even more of all. So he tries to please his boss (the mayor) as well as his neighbour, an idiot but fellow political party member of the mayor who unfortunately also sits in the local city council as a token member, as the CSU needed some guy of colour. So, they asked him actively to become a party member for that they can give him that council seat. Regardless that he is an imbecile (also my landlord says this).

When coming home, I watched a bit of the UEFA football championship for women. And interestingly for the first time, I heard the moderator asking a former national but also actual players about sexual harassment by men, be it by normal people (viewers but also on social media) but also male national football players as well as officials in the sport. The answers were so devastating. This has nothing to do with football at all, but the reasons must lie deeper, why so many men have such a low attitude toward women. If you look up women rights issues on any platform, it gets even worse. Somuch to that we allegedly donā€™t need feminism anymore in the West.

And then this morning I read in the news, that Scholz and the responsible german politicians both failed to send the promised tanks to Poland after they gave their old Sovjet tanks ro Ukraine, and Scholz himself refuses to give free the weapons rhe Ukraine ordered directly by a German company, also contrary to Scholz prior made commitment to that specific deal. And then those very same arsehole politicians and their supporters/voters comply about the rude statements of the former Ukrainian diplomat in Germany. He was so right.

So, when I heard this great song by Cullum, my mind pondered around the great lyrics on my way home and way after - and again this morning, after I read the news. I agree with that I donā€™t believe in hell (or heaven), but like the idea of heaven. But contrary to the song, I alrrady wrote off mankind. Only a few really help to make the world a better place for all beings. So much is going wrong and so little really did change.

So yes, goodbye to patience and farewell to dreams. I wouldnt help anyone of them if they would drown in front of me.

and you really think this makes a better place? :wink:

That song was horrible. And it only started halfway through the video. Although I admit that turns out to be a good thing since the silence was better than the singing.

Mandatory neutering of cats is just common sense.

Germany confuses me. Scholz has been a disappointment, no doubt. To blatantly break his word on deal after deal, however, is surprising to me. Perhaps it shouldnā€™t be but it is.

You might not help a human who drowned in front of you. I never thought you would have in the past either, but if you want to think of that as a new development, thatā€™s fine. You would almost certainly help a dog or cat drowning in front of you, however, even though the dog would happily kill the cat for sport, and the cat would happily torture a mouse to death for pleasure.

This is an ugly universe, as youā€™ve pointed out. We all have to kill to live, and the creatures you like best kill for fun. Bad design, imho.

Iā€™m equally silly in my own way. Iā€™ve spent a huge pile of money on keeping Lola alive this year, knowing full well that she likely wonā€™t make it to Christmas. I donā€™t care. Sheā€™s part of the family.

By letting the bad people drown? For sure.

there is no such thing as bad people, just people that do good and bad things (and what is good to oneā€¦)

in order to let those people drown, you drown yourselfā€¦

we are all family :wink:

ps nice kitty pic!

Ty. That was 5 years ago. Sheā€™s an old lady now. I need to get some photos in while I still can.

I always would have helped people from drowning. But just as you think assassinating Putin wouldnā€™t be a bad thing, I think, letting drown someone who willingly let people die, is just fair. On a sidenote, despite I wouldnā€™t actively kill Scholz and his supporters, I would shoot Putin right into his ugly face if I had that chance.

Iā€™m in the same place mentally. I think most people are, except Nico who is a religious nut (the religion of pacifism) and Michele who is pro-Putin.

lol shortsighted ā€œsolutionsā€ are the bestā€¦ until you think about itā€¦

what would it really solve?
it surprises me that some believe putin somehow suddenly changed and became ā€œbadā€

he is still the same leader of a country that makes deals with the rest of the leadersā€¦ you really think any of them would have acted any different in the same situation?

The difference is, abimals donā€™t have the ability to know it better, and in case of cats, they wouldnā€™t even survive on a vegetary/vegan diet.

But from humans, not to mention people who think claim to hace the ability to lead other people or even a whole country, I think I can demand more.

and you do and still you wouldntā€¦

Yes, Nico, I do think most of them would have acted differently, and yes, I do believe Putin has changed and become worse.

This invasion has been a disaster for Russia. It has been a bigger disaster for Ukraine, of course, but Russia is not doing well with this, and the boycott by tech component makers (especially chip makers) will hurt them in the mid term. China will fill that gap, but it will take decades. This invasion was simply a stupid decision and would never have happened under a sane leader. Putin was sane until he looked at his legacy and decided he wanted to be remembered as Vlad the Great who took back the lost soviet republiks.

No, but they donā€™t need to torture their prey. They do that for pleasure. They torture their victim and inflict as much pain and terror as possible before finally killing them. Itā€™s absolutely psychopathic and sadistic behaviour.

Sleeping now. Will read your posts about how Iā€™m wrong about everything tomorrow.

pleasant dreams :wink:

Me too. For the still ongoing medical costs for Gracie I could buy me easily a Tesla and Ganymedesā€™ right hind leg had to be amputated due to cancer. Gany btw. neither is fat nor gets any sugar according to the food description (admittedly not all sugar has to be listed by the food producers).

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putin has parents, family and friendsā€¦ he is someones gracie / ganymedes

There is an attack on women. But it is much more silent that we really know. Our American government is full of closet transvestites, making it appear that women are an active part of society and the business of government when, in fact, they are quietly eliminating the voice of a true woman.

If you want change, you have to be the change in your own personal space, which imho, is always contagious.

No mercy for those who show no mercy but itā€™s a personal choice and I respect that. I, personally, could not watch my enemies perish and do nothing.

This from a cat owning drama Queen. :point_up:t2: You vilify the same creature you keep sending to the doctor. The same creature you fight every day to save. Youā€™re just about the stupidest intellect I know.


rā€™amen! but not just in your own personal spaceā€¦ be that change everywhere